
That's so freaking awesome. "This here land's MINE!"

No!!! Don't give me any reasons to get sucked back in! I've been FV free for four months and I have my life back!!! :'(

By age 24, my best work was still in the realm of text smiley faces. Touche, Michael.

I can't believe people are legitimately agreeing with the artists, defending it as "artistic expression".

That's pretty sweet. Goombas could be a pixel that's a slightly darker shade of orange, and I would look for a home mod of this.

In spite of the price, there will still be hundreds of thousands worldwide that will buy this, and Activision will make boats of money. A lot of people will buy it, because fuck if they can't be without the latest maps. Envy will push a ton of sales...

It still looks like a sex toy...

That...actually wouldn't be a bad logo...

@Durandal: I think Luke (the author) might be assuming that since both platforms are x86-based now that they are similar beasts to contend with. While this is far from true, I can see how someone can be mistaken. On a video game blog, however, this is unacceptable.

@Spoony: Word. Big ups to Blizzard for always supporting the Mac camp. I LOVE how I can digitally download clients for any Blizzard game I own directly from [] now, no longer need physical discs and and play on Mac and PC both from the same license.

@kainzero: Basically, because for gaming, now you will no longer need to dual boot/own a copy of Windows. As the library grows, you can game natively on the Mac. This is big. Mac gaming has been neglected since the AppleII days.

Worth every penny!

The gf had a thought that was awesome. She said that she would totally want to see an album or RockBand type tracks where Cartman "sings the hits". Have him give his rendition of Top40 and classic tracks (let's not forget his version of Sailing Away). I thought about this for a while. I would totally listen to Cartman

This case should not be any different from any other where a child injured themselves or others with an unattended gun that an irresponsible owner has left out. The tragedy is the child didn't know any better. What's worse is that these types of people deem themselves responsible enough to have children and own guns.

@tetracycloide: Absolutely. ZERO blame should be levied on the game itself. The game didn't put real bullets into a real gun and leave it on the coffee table, unsupervised for a three year old.

@rickster999: Just FYI — With an auto/semi-automatic pistol, there's no cocking involved. Once you load the magazine, its locked and loaded, and once you take the safety off, ready to go. All the child would have to do at that point is pull the trigger.

Well, isn't this just a PEACH. So just b/c the devs are jerks, I need to upgrade my Win98 box with Dual Voodoo2 cards?

It can't be March 2nd soon enough. This game looks absolutely stunning. I've been playing the series on PSP, and now finally owning a PS3, I can't wait for the step up!

@emcglone316: You and me both. I miss the World Series Baseball series, and this franchise improves on that gameplay!

I bought a PS3 damn near just for the right to play GoW3 and THIS. Can. Not. Wait.