
@Nevest356: I'm sure that will be the rationale when teh Internetz uprise against it: "THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR SPOILING LOST!!"

@ubikblack: There are gun ranges in LA. In fact, there's an excellent one in Little Tokyo. And only three hours from Vegas where you can shoot full automatics, too :D

@saulpimpson: Possible, yes. Likely? Who knows. I think it's doubtful though. Locke would have needed a reason to kill Jacob. I would think at this point that Locke would have more questions for Jacob than anything else.

I'll be honest — whatever the "ending" may be to the show, I'll be perfectly happy with it, as long as it is NOT all in Hurley's imagination.

@Nexus6: At this point in the show, we believe that an island can transport through time and space, no problem. I consider it a smaller leap of faith for a person to be able to steal another's memories and appearance =D

@deanbmmv: Oh. Don't you know? Because that's where Locke left it ;) lol

@kryorage: It'd be tough to say that. MIB/Jacob pre-date everyone by a good couple hundred years (at least) so it would be quite a Jack would need to learn how to be able to shape-shift.

@ubikblack: Season 1, Locke was training them at some point....yea....

@Nexus6: The "duplicate" Locke is another being who can shape shift. He changed his appearance to that of Locke to trick Ben into killing Jacob. Locke is dead.

@Damn_Fine_Coffee: I thought he told him that he was disabled and wasn't able to walk anymore before they crashed???

@saulpimpson: Locke IS dead. See both Season 5 finale (he's in a box) and this weeks Entertainment Weekly where Cuse and Lindelof say that Lock IS dead....for now...

@thegreatpablo: Actually, both Cuse and Lindelof were just quoted in the latest Entertainment Weekly, saying that they are _not_ going to answer all questions and that they will leave a few things hanging to the "mythos" of the island and its mysteries. The article is not available online, so go pick up this weeks mag.

I always wondered what the author-view for the Gawker sites looked like....

I don't understand how his "complaint" is even valid. He's buying into a console which is inherently a device which needs to be invested into (i.e. more controllers, new games).

@RedRaptor: Wait, that picture's real!?! Holy crap, Sony's PS3 unit has lost its marbles!!

@☆Giroro G66☆: The "Baconator" makes Dave Thomas spin in his grave... Salads? TWISTED Frosty!?! Give me a single with a baked potato and a REGULAR frosty!

@Zim: Taco Bell, like a good scotch, is an acquired taste. You gotta start out easy with the tacos and bean burritos before you work your way up to the double deckers and the nacho cheese chalupas of the world...

@Akio Morita: @Nintendo451: Apple registers a LOT of trademarks in the event they might use them, or to prevent others from using them, in particular names with the 'i' prefix. They'd rather not let anyone else use them so that its not confused with an actual Apple product.