
@Trunks: You modded your box, thus voiding warranty and subjecting yourself to being banned. A mod is a mod is a mod. Not trying to bash you or anything, but people tend to lose sight of the fact that Microsoft is a business and not a charity. Honestly, they don't care about us, just our money =(

@Azures: Absolutely! Which is why this lawsuit doesn't stand a chance.

@djricekcn: Had nothing to do with MW2. This ban affected modded systems and modded systems alone, regardless of the usage.

@RySenkari: They wont lose, they are not required to provide anyone their service. They can refuse service to anyone they choose.

To all those good people spreading mis-information, please stop.

@Seiven: Well said. The film holds "promise". There is no studio or distributor backing, and for what it is, and the budget it had, its fricking AMAZING. Not the best plot, not mass audience ready, but I get chills thinking about what this guy could do with $30M to wide-distribute a video game movie, a genre that has

@Freeman_McBeans: @Trey: Regardless of where it lands on the "all-time" list, its selling shitloads. Let's just assume for sake of argument that the developers and publishers are popping champagne as we speak, while we debate the same on the interweb. #modernwarfare2

The one thing I don't understand is gamers who complain (and I use the term generously) about the media, including Kotaku, giving games such as MW, GTA4 , Halo 3 etc. too much attention and doing the hype on behalf of the publishers. I think they're missing the point of coverage by the media. The attention exists

@TheGreatRaja: I agree with you partially. However, I think the focus of the article was more to outline that Activision wasn't bashing MW2 over our heads. The anticipation built for the game was organic and sprung from gamers who knew something good was on the horizon, rather than a PR firm telling us that this game

Do we still care about comparing graphics and being picky? Instead, how about "They both look fucking amazing, buy it for whichever system you already own. If you own both, the only difference is XBL and the PSN. Either way, you're going to enjoy the fuck out of this game."

It's kinda funny how the publisher bent over for Gamestop to prevent them from losing revenue to those vendors breaking the street date. Because Gamestop is really hurting for money these days, after all... #modernwarfare2

@TRT-X: Won't work that way. Upon returning the console, they'll either ask for the gift card to be returned as well with its full balance, or they'll charge you for the amount of the card ($100). Kinda funny when you think about it — you have to pay to return something. #xbox360

Pricing model is similar to the Zynga games (Mafia Wars, Farmville, etc.) where you pay a premium to access special things on top of the actual foundation of the game, which is free.

People are still hurting badly in America. I can't say how often roaming Best Buy/Target/Wal-Mart and the rest, a kid is begging his parent for a game system, and the parent's first question is "well, which one is cheapest?"

@Dimipapa: If they push the appeal of the Blu-Ray that might lead to sales figures, since that's a distinct advantage that the PS3 does have over X360. The high price point on individual Blu-Ray discs might still inhibit that, though.

@WontonTiger: On top of that, I actually know of people who prefer buying foreign products over American, citing "quality", FWIW, and have used that reasoning to buy a PS2 over Xbox etc. in the past, and tend to still cite that in purchasing a PS3 now.

It used to be that "lives" and "continues" mattered more in the sense that you had a finite number of mistakes which you could make in an entire playthrough of a game. Games from this era lacked, for the most part, the ability to save, and were meant to be played, start to finish (don't get me started on how the

When I saw the images, I honestly thought "oh cool, there's a NFS for the iPhone, and it doesn't look half bad.." and then I read that it was for the Wii. Really? Are we sureeee this isn't being released for Android or anything??

The only way I would see this even REMOTELY feasible would be if he meant first-person perspective, and not a first-person shooter. I can kiiiinda envision playing the GoW games from a first person perspective, although I'm not sure how effective that would be...