
@octaslash: I remember when games were still just judged on the basis of "is it fun?"...

@Rakotto: You know, it really is. When I saw the large image it really reminded me of how they packaged consoles back in the day (NES, Genesis, TG16 etc) and how owning the console felt like it would change your life. It's the type of box your eyes would gravitate to on the shelf.

So awesome. I was planning on taking the 9th off work to get the game, and to top it off, I have a Best Buy near me (LA on Pico) having this!? Much caffeine will be needed that day...hell, Kogi might even be out there that day as well! Two for one!

@coldT: It depends on whether the statement in question is sensationalism or not. It's a different case to have a headline reading 'Obama a terrorist?' versus 'Has the administration saved GM from bankruptcy?'. It's all in the context, and while this article does demonstrate that a bit, there is some background to

@CatPope: LOL! I haven't laughed that hard in a while. I had a fluid visual in my head of the escaping devs, leaving behind characters mid-raid on WoW in their wake, and empty Mountain Dew cans strewn everywhere.

@ArchangelNES: Yes!!! Fantastic! I miss the old show, even if I'm sure I've grown out of it by this point... *yet another 20-something reminiscing on what are already the 'good ol days' of TV*

Blizzard does Transformers better than Transformers does Transformers....for what it's worth...

Looks great! I haven't seen much push the PSP lately in terms of graphics since God of War, so I'm really glad this is here. Now if only Patapon 2 would make its way to our shores, I'll be set for Spring...

@FannyRatLove: Ohhhhh, you caught that too. Couldn't they have possibly placed those a little bit better? I get it...this Orc is a badass...but is he that bad?!?

@Matt0505: WOW! A Nitro reference!! Makes me long for the good ol' days with NWO, good Raw with D-X, Flair, Goldberg, Hollywood, Bret Hart, Stone Cold, Rock, et al....::sigh::....

"The most valuable of the lot, according to at least one of the experts, is Castle Karstaag of The Elder Scrolls III."

The tiered system may be a downfall because it might discourage independent devs from creating because their budgets might limit their overall exposure, rather than the equal ground it holds now.

WOW!!! I love me my PSP, wish there were more games for it — AND I get to be multi-ethnic! I wonder what that means exactly....I'm hoping this was just a horrible translation on part of the PR department.

@Kreepman: Yes, it is fair to compare them. Gaming is gaming, no matter what the platform. If you get as much enjoyment from a simple deck of cards as you do the God of War PSP game, then what's the difference? All you need is to get your money's worth and be entertained. If the game fulfills both, then it's a good

@Cheese: Or drink until you start a new one.

I love the US Mail bin there. I remember hearing somewhere it's illegal to keep those except for official mail purposes, even though everyone does it. Dunno if it's true or not, but dammit if those aren't sturdy bins!!! tu, Crecente???

@Mancomb Seepgood: "unless of course you have sex with them by shooting swirly lines at them."

@eduardjm: BTW, this also reminds me of how people were whining about the art direction for Diablo 3, to the tune of "But they didn't make it the way I like it!!!! Wahhhhhhh!!!!" he _is_ ok with killing and pillaging and looting in the game....but not the torture...