
@RoadKillGrill: Ditto me there, I have a really nice Panasonic projector, 1080p/24, calibrated, the works. I long for more games that can do this. GoW2 looks f'ing amazing like this btw!

Not to be a pest, but....

@kylo4: There's actually someone waiting for this????

Batteries? Rechargeable pack, or AAs ftw ?????

@Momentarylogic: What possible relevance does this have to a review on a video game?

So damn awesome.....any word on the specs of the individual displays? Consumer line? Custom for the good ol US gummint' ??

Hell to the yea! I don't post much, but I read everything really...I'll be there! Free drinks on a Sunday!

@Archaotic: Galaxy stats should be impressive, but I personally think Nintendo may never publish the Brawl stats. If the regular gamer is anything like my regular video game friends as well as acquaintances of theirs, we all stopped Brawl play after roughly one 10 minute session and never touched it again. THIS IS NOT