
Thank you for phrasing it way smarter than I could.

50 radial 12 cylinders in a row, like a massive tube of power.

Easier to drive in handcuffs

well yeah but should they? i do not like this. even the console looks like those glued-on things that people used to slap onto their suburbans and pick ups in the 90's.

I would love to hear this with a non-potato mic.

Flying cars DO exist:

I have just solved both of the problems in New York.

The shape reminds me of something.

Am I the only one who’s noticed they’re not making parking spots any bigger?

Natural gas and propane burn much cleaner with fewer byproducts that gasoline. They also tend to be more pure than gasoline , so there’s fewer fuel contamination problems. If storing the fuel weren’t such an issue ( read driving around with a bomb ), I’d be all-in on them.

I see you too have enjoyed conversation with those who understand science so well that “water has two hydrogen atoms, the propulsion, and one oxygen atom, the pollution . . . this is a no brainer.”*

Conspiracy theorists often display a blatant disregard for basic science, so this is certainly the reason so many believe “the oil industry sabotages the car that runs with water”.

I don’t know which is happier, the car or the guy.

I mean it did....

Based on the headline (and looking at owners previous history):

Well, if you play that country song backwards, you get your house back, your car back, your dog back, your wife back....

The Brazilian Tempra uses old Fiat Regatta underpinings. Rear suspension is different, The engine craddle is completely different. Even the fucking outside mirrors aren’t the same as the European! At least the interior after 1994 is vastly improved and much more modern. Ok, excluding the digital dash of the wagon. And