Keep Chip Foose out of it. The world needs less two-tone cars with orange pinstripes.
Keep Chip Foose out of it. The world needs less two-tone cars with orange pinstripes.
Lol, wow this is fascinating. Thanks!
Brazil means your VWs run on ethanol, right? 30 year old VW gassers here in the states don’t have the same reputation for reliability.
We have just created life here on Jalopnik. The Torchbee.
If all the news and cry-babies were yapping about was the simple fact that, yes, the earth is changing, and yes - that means we will have to adapt, I’d be OK with it. However, they’ve really taken it into crazy-territory with their predictions as to how bad it’s going to be vs. the huge benefits of global warming. …
So the drivers head in its pink helmet is going to look like a clitoris. Let’s hope that if they crash the marshalls can find them.
I love keeping track of the Chinese auto industry and they have really come a long way. The JAC is not a bad looking car. I could actually see it being sold as a Hyundai slotted below the Tucson.
I think that just by painting the window frames on the doors black it would help a lot. Also, the wheels look almost Ford Festiva small.
It’s a race car. If masonry brick was proven to be the perfect aerodynamic shape, they’d make them look like masonry bricks.
They’re going to do every single thing they can to extract as much performance per square cm, looks be damned. Makes sense to me. You don’t ask the fastest female runner in the world to get a…
Did the French re-badging include a white flag as standard equipment?
when you exceed 100 mph, something rises up from the seat and tickles your balls, just in case you were thinking that life couldn’t get any better
Holy shit. GM, when faced with a gas crisis and increasing competition from better made, better designed, more efficient, and cheaper foreign competition, decided that rather than spend R&D money on improving emissions control systems and increasing efficiency of their engines, spent money BUILDING A JET ENGINE FED BY…
The Pockar is what I imagine an Aerostar larva would look like. If Aerostars reproduced by laying eggs. And hatched into little van maggots.
QUOTE | “I’m tired of shooting people for no reason other than not getting killed.” - Martin Greip, art director of…
Great branding by NASCAR. I know women who constantly praise their men-cups.
The religion of peace strikes again
I’d imagine it’d be similar to taking the train or bus while being someone who suffers from motion sickness, only there’d be no one to keep you company (which may be a good thing...).
Bingo. This is great PR for Amazon, which remember, is not like Netflix. Netflix makes money only from subscriptions. Amazon might be using their video business mainly as a lure for new eyeballs on their real business, selling and shipping goods. Even if people pirate the show, it’s an ad for the Amazon brand name and…