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This video is old! Now it still uses a Chevy 6-cyl 250-s but now with turbo!

Yeah but it is.

The Mini doesn’t have to win. Just has to wait long enough for the Mustang to be distracted by a crowd.


I got one for ya:

Fake exhaust tips are bad, but when Tesla doesn’t put a fake grille on the cars, everyone freaks out.

Probably caused by improperly inflated tires due to the conversion of pounds per square inch to fathoms per furlong or whatever goofy measurement they have over there.

Cool learning. Reminds me of a short story by J.G. Ballard where some patient’s brain was altered to remove the need for sleep. Worked out well for a while (felt great! accomplished a lot!), but then the build up of gunk and garbage in the brain that resulted from not sleeping did him in.

So you’re telling me Italian food rusts?

I give them credit for using the cars—as if keeping them in heated garages under covers and only taking them out for short cruises on sunny weekends is so “manly”.

Russians and people in Germanic helmets working together?

You are right, thanks for that. I thought it was a brazilian VW 1.600 TL with photoshopped suicide doors.

I almost bought one of these as my first car! They were dirt cheap in the used car lot.

Best answer. I downloaded it again when I was in college and usually after parties I would be blacked out and play this while my girlfriend was passed out. Every morning I woke up to a new surprise in my (previously) perfect park.

Thanks. I will tell everyone I meet for the rest of my life that.

The Lohner-Porsche was the first hybrid, so it does have a combustion engine as well as an electric motor.

The new Lambo looks pretty good. What the hell is up with that center console though? The visibility in this thing seems bad enough for every single one of them to end up in a lake.

*insert YouTube comment here*

It’s Christmas Eve a few years ago, snowing lightly. A beautiful Christmas Eve night.