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    Equal compassion for both sexes, not a female only pity party. Actually teaching men and women to feel as much sympathy for men as they do women would be a huge step toward equality. The thing is feminist won't be able to sell this message by promoting what women are going to get out of it because it requires giving

    If you thought that I don't know what women did or do then you have to get a clue. We are living in on the same planet and the wanna be intelligentsia needs to save the snobbery for academia. We get it, ya'll need to join the lay people in the real world.

    What? People objectifying partners after sleeping with large numbers of people would be a natural response. Intimacy is not intimate when shared with anyone and everyone. You can try to make deep connections to large numbers of people but it's not very likely.

    That depends on how long it takes you to learn and what price you had to pay for your ignorance.

    We are humans and other humans are pretty similar to one another. If we were completely ignorant of these things we could not even communicate. The very definitions of self respect would be impossible to understand. I think your question leads no where.

    If nothing anybody says in these articles matters then why are we commenting on them? Better yet why are they written? The purpose of all this communication is to influence the thinking of others. I am saying that I don't think Erin is being a good influence, she appears to be promoting her for men and I for one have

    Regrettable sex often does lower your self respect. That's a natural human response, stop talking like your dealing with robots.

    I'm proud of you for no longer willing to sell the crap you were sold to the next generation. I am right there with you.

    I find with age sex is something I have to talk myself into and even when I had high standards for who I would have sex with, without any religious hang ups. I was and am far more attached to the idea of a long term committed relationship with someone I love. In this culture I feel like the odd man out, even though

    Who here was not a virgin before sex? Do we really need to fall back on our own confirmation bias to validate every choice we made since? The pursuit of a better orgasm is not the path to enlightenment. When we talk about sex, that's pretty much what's going on when we over indulge in encounters with large numbers of

    With respect and compassion. The hatred of males and masculinity, isn't doing much for depressed males.

    Bashing men obviously has nothing to do with the success white women enjoy in our society but then again maybe it does. Perhaps that's why some white women see it as a practical career path. There are far more white feminist than black nationalist and the reason is white women have little to fear in voicing their

    Why do you keep accusing men of trying to control women? Have you not been here for the past few decades of women's liberation? Keep in mind women were being liberated from men who were supposed to support them for life so we could have very well called it a men's liberation movement.

    I noticed that the left did not lose ground in the Abortion debate until these immature third wave feminist took over and reduced the whole argument to doing whatever they felt like instead of the more mature arguments made by their predecessors who at least sounded like they had a clue about what raising a family was

    Well when people decide to treat them like assholes because they take them seriously are you still going to be on their side? I doubt it.

    If fox decides to defend men and you make fun of them for doing so, you might just end up dissing men.

    Name another group in the population who was supported for live by the other half and when wars were fought they could sit on the sidelines and care for children while the other half risked life and limb to protect them from rivals. Male female relations were a constructive partnership, not some oppressive regime to

    I at least congratulate you on some smart writing. There is so much vapid crap floating around these days that rarely do you see a innovative idea. I would call it original but I am well read enough to make that call. When it comes to the art of war in a gender war it is men who are appearing weak while being strong

    "If you can do it, anyone can!" Maybe they cluelessly think they mean well, but it's code for, "Hey, fatty! Congratulations on doing your public duty to become not-you!"