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    Another hopelessly outdated rant where a gender idealouge gets to shamelessly boast about their obsession of female supremacy.

    I blamed it's persistence and prevalence on the failure of feminism to address it. I am being critical of a social movement as opposed to blaming it for bringing about the problem in the first place. I am not the one being absurd and objective observer would have moved to understand my point instead of making excuses

    I heard the Ethiopian Jews were treated like crap and complained about ... RACISM! I think racism is a huge problem in Israel especially against Palestinians but other groups such as the Bedouins are also complaining.

    Once feminist declared themselves to be the default equality advocates for both sexes they assumed responsibility for correcting gender imbalance as it affects both sexes. The price of their monopoly was an obligation to deal with the issues of both genders. If they don't then men ought not waste anymore time

    Why are you asking strange people who know nothing about the guy or your relationship with him other than the fact it's gone on for 3 months? How about asking him what he likes, communication is a good thing.

    It's not just society but feminist themselves who reinforce that mentality by deliberately ignoring male victimization or trying to minimize it. If the proponents of gender equality ignore male victims then it's likely the society will follow. They have been taking their ques from feminist when it comes to dealing

    So if you are female then being condescending is cool? No I don't think so. Try treating men like people instead of people you free to insult whenever need a self esteem boost. Either gender can express how they feel they are being viewed by the other. Being female does not give you a monopoly, since that would not

    I really don't care who is explaining things to me, what matters is if they are right.

    It's immature to go after a bunch of immature teens. It's even more immature to justify doing so by cherry picking a few poorly written retorts and using them to make yourself appear intellectually superior in some way. I have seen right wing talkers pull the same trick and it was just as pathetic when they did it.

    Talking to the person like they are sane and capable of evaluating their situation and what they don't like about it. When they say what they don't like, don't judge them for not liking it. For example if they think their significant other treats them like crap, don't say they just need to be nicer to their abusive

    Oh no I am being abused by foul language, I feel so oppressed and shamed.

    No that's he tone today's feminist always speak to men with. It seems being condescending is the default setting when addressing a male but that does not stop them or you from attacking men for doing the same thing. That's not equality, it's actively chiseling out niche privileges as it suites you. I see no reason

    "Enjoy your cynicism. The rest of us who have grown up will be looking for ways to work together."

    How much time have you spent in this society? Men don't get much in the way of affirmative sexual attention outside of the person they are sexually involved with. In that case the male probably initiated that relationship meaning they don't get to find out if they are wanted until the persuade someone else they are

    Since when are women like you not trying to make everything all about you? Do you spend anytime on men's issues? Do you even know what men's issues are? Give me a freaking break, your just another self obsessed individual trying to cover your narcissism under a veneer of feminist rhetoric.

    "More importantly, why is it that it takes a hundred woman to equal the worth of one man or boy's problem?"

    We are not born to look like body builders because it's impractical to carry around all that muscle mass unless you need it for something. From what I understand we evolved to be smaller and less aggressive once we settled down. Chimps are far stronger than humans for example. Men who body build are not developing a

    People like these are not interested in a united front. If they fail to be the center of attention their narcissistic tendencies kick in, and the claws come out. The body image issue is completely normal. There will always be some people more attractive than others and those who are prone to insecurity will struggle

    People wanting to look good to attract mates is completely natural. Calling it a "body image issue" is just a classic example of modern feminist throwing a a fancy term at anything source of insecurity instead of accepting that being insecure about somethings is apart of growing up.

    "Just because the plight of prison inmates is not explicitly addressed in this article does not mean that they are implicitly stating that they are an acceptable group to mock."