Ed C.

Maybe he raided Starlord’s closet on the way there?

Who created the Dyson Sphere?

Bruce, please don’t hulk out while wearing this shirt. It’s too awesome to ruin.

That’s what I thought to. Ideally she would have also kicked him right in the dick.

I’ve said this before, and will keep on saying it in various places around the internet until Spielberg and Lucas get wind of it.

The actor hasn’t done anything since 2002 according to IMDB, so they could probably recast him with...say...Chris Pine.

I’m happy for Killjoys, but dammit, I loved Dark Matter! I know both shows are “Hot Canadian actors running around with guns in disguised warehouses” but there was no real reason to cancel one of them.

Ok, so I’ve been watching Star Wars for 40 years (I saw it in first run in ‘77), and I’m also a private pilot and general airplane wonk. Still I never noticed, and only just found out, that the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon is based on the B-29 bomber. Go figure...

And in this case, reissues an upgraded version for those who missed out ten years ago.

What the devil is going on here?

I assume I got the same preview email as you, that says:

Hi Honey, I know you sent me to the mall to get new luggage for our trip. Instead of buying the luggage, I spent $800 on this lego model. We can use the dolly box it can came in as luggage. Look it has wheels, just like a real suitcase.

The set you always wanted just kicked you square in the junk...

Whats this large thing coming towards me? I wonder if it will be friends?

This has already happened to a different probe.

I wish they play this in theatres right before the movie. Those Marvel comic pages flipping, Hela sashaying... beautiful.

The South just doesn’t want us to take away their participation trophies.

I forget, which of the men on Mount Rushmore created a separate country and fought a war against the United States government?

I am not sure that that is necessarily genius. My 5 yr old does that all the time when he gets in trouble, “Hey, buddy, did you do this bad thing that got you in trouble?” “Daddy did you know I like Pokemon and I own a restaurant in Charlottesville”.

Not really. If you read and watch the interviews of the organizers, it was about organizing and showing that they had numbers and could put aside their petty differences. The statue protest was simply cover for this.