Ed C.

They don’t have Podlings in France so they call it Le Guignol with Cheese.


Fuck you.

I wish that was true, but in reality they are right out in the open. Proudly surrounding us. Showing up to voting booths when we do not. Organizing themselves when we did not. And now here we are, confronted with the reality that a full 50 million people, half of the population that chose to vote (which is a disgrace

Look at the data so far. Gary Johnson got WAY more votes than Jill Stein. That shows that our country is more conservative than you think.

We (progressives) need to become better conversationalists. We have to convince people instead of “shaming” them or labeling them as “bigots”. Calling someone a bigot does not

Yep. If Hillary were a man, all things the same, she’d be wiping the floor with him, a completely politically inexperienced outsider candidate. She has the experience, the knowledge, the formal education in political science and law, and her track record would not have been scrutinized any worse than many popular

To the Trump voters there WAS a huge reason - we are coming off of 8 years having a BLACK president; that’s largely what this is about, as well as a potential WOMAN candidate after the BLACK. We saw ignorant, backwards, WHITE ‘Murrca crawl from the crevasses of storm cellars all over rural ‘Murrca to loudly vote and

Yeah, America survived a President that reduced the number of uninsured people with no way to get health coverage, and survived a President that made the most significant steps towards combating climate change in our history. Good thing we won’t have to worry about that stuff any more!

But those were politicians. Trump has zero experience as a politician and zero military experience. Bush was smart enough to know when to ask for help. Trump thinks he knows more than “all the generals.”

British person here. Hate crimes in the UK has spiralled since Brexit. It’s absolutely vile. I feel for you guys right now.

Some of us will survive this. 8 years of George W. Bush gave us a downward spiral of an economy, 17% actual unemployment. 2000+ dead US soldiers and uncounted others dead in the Middle East after an unnecessary Iraq War. The beginnings of ISIS in the middle of the clusterfuck that was postwar Iraq. $1.6 trillion

Comey did this. He gutted her campaign and gave Trump life.

Also didn’t have a full republican blank check without checks and balances. Goodbye reproductive rights, healthcare for pre-existing conditions. The scariest though is voting rights. If they have a blank check to strip voting rights, if they can escalate redistricting and gerrymandering, and if they can prevent early

I’m 30 this year, so my memory of republicans in office has only consisted of George Bush. In 8 years of republican presidency we got:

The Iraq and Afghanistan wars. The stock market sinking below 8000. $4+ a gallon gas. The TSA. The start of a huge national deficit. The collapse of Enron. Halliburton. Endless

Yeah, “America” survived W, but 3000 soldiers invading a country for no reason did not (not to mention roughly 100,000 Iraqis). These choices do matter and they do have serious consequences.

For real. I’m sure America will be fine, mostly because Trump has no actual policies to enact - though I am quite worried about his interactions with other foreign leaders. Also, that was kind of the problem with W, and one of the reasons we’re kind of looking back on W as “harmless” compared to Trump - the real jerk

i’m not sure this is the same as electing george w bush. george w was dumb (to put it bluntly). donald trump is dangerous. millions of americans - many of my friends - will lose health insurance. the supreme court is officially gone for a generation. roe v wade could be overturned. we have a lot to lose right now, and

America will. There are vulnerable people here who might not.

As a black man who talks white enough to fit in to white suburbia well I am surrounded by coded racism constantly. I couldnt be less surprised by this if I tried. 8 years later there are still allegedly intelligent and credible people who believe Obama is the secret leader of ISIS because hes black and his fucking

I am part German, and for as long as I can remember, Americans have asked me how on earth Hitler could have been elected in such an advanced and wealthy nation. Perhaps they will no longer have to ask.