Ed C.

Actually, those are Foxconn’s sweatshops, not Apple’s, and I challenge you to find a tech company that doesn’t source parts from them or some other company with similar conditions.

Don’t care how they do it, don’t care if it’s incredibly stupid or genius. I just want more Colin Firth as a badass spy because hot-damn was he the best thing about the first movie (a movie filled with other great things).

I’m trying to resist the urge to use this to beat up other films, but notice how fucking much they care about the story before anything happens. They care so much about her character it hurts.

Damn you all to- wait, $2? That’s it? Yeah ok, nevermind.

Bothan Commander: Alright, we’ve got the plans, but this is a tight spot. That’s okay, we’ve been through worse together. We just need to get through this blast door and we’re home free.

Mothma: You all did such a good job with the first Death Star plans. Now I need you to find the location of the Empires new battle station.

ah to be under the age of 30!

I want to make a post about Bothans because I’m amused at how many people are going through the comments about this trailer to make sure everyone knows that the Bothans were the second Death Star.

Suicide Squad? SUICIDE SQUAD?! The. Dirty. Dozen.

Yeah, he’s just...old.

If he gave better advice he could’ve prevented a lot of sh-

“If you told me exactly where Planet nine was, I could find it pretty easily”



Look, either Oz is reprising the role of Yoda or he isn’t...

As long as you don’t smoke near anyone else and pay for your health costs out of pocket.

Can we really blame them for moving all fast and jerky? All their medicine contained stuff like cocaine, morphine, chloroform, and other good stuff.

“I’m STILL not mowing the lawn, Dad!”

All of it was in the novelization which was released before the movie.