Ed C.

it’s a classic - it’s going to get remade the same way people will always put on new versions of Shakespeare or Dickens

I’m certain there are one or two books in the public domain that could be made into movies.

he’s also co-written a script reimagining H.G. Wells’ classic The Time Machine

reminds me of Marble Madness form the original NES;

I want a good Haunted Mansion movie.

Disney, making movies people keep saying no one asked for but gross a billion dollars anyway.

it’s time for a reboot

Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio Is Finally Becoming a Real Movie at Netflix

Exactly. I think corporations are more concerned about cutting profits in half. 

Can AI fix his voice, too?

the two sides only really started diverging after one side suffered a terrible plague and blamed the other for it

is about a world that exists next to another, identical world. Well, almost. There’s the dimension we take to be the real one in addition to an alternate version where people look just like us, but have an entirely different agenda.

I think Agent Carter was purposely limited

the first Marvel show to get the axe.”

I’m a bonafide Disneyland fanboy. My first thought was, “I’d buy his house, or even make my own Disneyland-land themed basement.” But then after watching it for a minute or so...

Obligatory, “Gee, I hope it includes... game title:

I think they should make more Star Wars movies like Rogue One.

charming but unnecessary

It’s too bad they didn’t keep that scene. It certainly wouldn’t have hurt.

I think that was the 1971 made-for-TV movie “Paper Man”,