Ed C.

That dude seriously needs to get non-holographically laid.

I know I'd sleep a lot better if I knew that Data was still working on the enignes while I snoozed.

Am I the only one who doesn't like the Captain's new costume?

There are so many classic SF movies (and even more non-SF movies) that I hope are never remade, e.g., Zardoz.

There's that scene with Lea Thompson and....I gotta stop writing because I'm about to say something about a duck and there's no way you can make a scene sound sexy and still refer to a duck.

No. Please. Don't.

I came here looking for this. Good job. Had you not posted it, I would have.

When I write the novel of the inter-planetary oil wars, I'll thank you for the idea in the forward.

What if there's oil on mars?

The "Ghostbusters" theme song.

I'm confused about the differences between shocking amoral and evil. Simply because something is not lawful evil (is that then chaotic evil?) doesn't make it any less evil.

Burn in Hell Red?

Everything is AWESOME...

This was awesome*!

Mea culpa.

Like GuanoLad stated, I agree most of these designs look quite sterile to me. Cold, uncomfortable, industrial, utilitarian. There can be elegance in simplicity, but I don't see it in a lot of these pieces.

The movie IS awesome, however I was perfectly happy with Lord Business being the evil face of business.

I keep clicking the star icon but it only lets me recommend this post once.

In 1976 it was the precursor to Internet dating.

"Before Star Wars [...]"