the bumper beam is not integrated. What you see is just black plastic covering the bumper beam. If by integrating you mean stylistically integrating it then you are correct.
the bumper beam is not integrated. What you see is just black plastic covering the bumper beam. If by integrating you mean stylistically integrating it then you are correct.
that’s what happens when your company markets the shit out of 14mpg 1/2 ton trucks.
well this article is about roundabouts in the Fuck off to the left!!!!
incorrect!!!Where do you get this info???? Please educate yourself , then opine.
proof that Martini livery does not make everything “race car”.
please don’t share incorrect information. If you are in a US roundabout you would only use the right hand signal when you are exiting the roundabout.
“Vand then back traffic up into it with a traffic light not even half a mile away. It entirely defeats the purpose.” Yes this a thousand time this!!!!
I live within .5 miles of three roundabouts in Washtenaw county...I’ve never (tank God) seen someone go the wrong way. I do however see every day many people fail to yield.
I live in said Washtenaw county. The problem is the basic lack of understanding of the word “YIELD”.
Here’s what I saw in Paris during my visit. 67 Mustang and a Plymouth Prowler. Never expected to see either one there.
they are not un-true facts...just alternative facts.
JD power is not a reliable source. It’s an inside joke in the industry since car companies pay to play in JD surveys.
Ahhhgggg!!!!!!!!!!! This story is published 4 days too late!!!!!! I was just in Tokyo last week and just 3 miles from this!!!
really? not even the unreliable AWD system?
less terrible...that is a low bar.
$5K worth of sound equipment.
Buy the best selling vehicle. Either an F-150 or a Camry.
Should be “Gear Tube” not box.
““oilless” on a Tesla” not only un-cool but stupid as a large portion of it’s interiors are made of the stuff.