
Why “worst mistake”? Paper always beats rock.

Oh, you didn’t know him? If there’s someone else who doesn’t know who he is, it’s this guy:

The challenge was to add Dwayne Johnson to a videogame, not Martin Scorsese...

KaputtMundi again?

To me, it looks like a falcon.

Old stuff from the ol’ Minecraft Kirby ‘shop contest (in involuntary collaboration with Bob The Rock):

As Ed Regis, I approve anything connected with Jurassic Park! Every Jurassic Park related entry should be an auto-win.

Maybe, but I made it cool! :-P

I’m not too young, I had a Genesis, so I don’t know of no struggle, I just know how to groove! #TeamSega


Next week’s ‘shop contest:

Wait... didn’t they tell you? I am sooo sorry you have to learn it that way!