
Evangelion flavored would start off with the first few pieces tasting really good, and the ones at the bottom more of the "what the fuck am I eating" kind.


How do you release a game without a single person playing through it on a user device beforehand?

"What's a geocities?" said next-gen internet users.

Huh, Gabe shares my love of Starbucks iced coffee. Good to know.

Well.... that took a turn for the tragic quickly....

Rear visibility?

a lazily made tv show with lazy casting and acting and lazy writing and plotting also got lazy with their effects? Who could have predicted.

XBOX!! NO!!! BAD XBOX...... XD

I have a mid-western accent, and for some reason the XB1 thinks Spike is Univision, so I dunno. But the voice control with the TV service just had too many issues for me to let it continue to handle the cable feed. "It sounds like you're talking to a dog whose just been bad." is the line I keep hearing when I tried

I, at least, got the joke.

With that list of materials, I expect to next see him cosplay as the TARDIS console as used by Eccleston and Tennant.


Lets switch the genders of this commercial for a second. Every feminist known to man would scream bloody Mary.

Can you create custom kinect commands like "Xbox, give me my money back?"

everything is better with Benny Hill theme :

They better supply the coconuts if it's the Holy Grail!

I bet her powers only work half the time, and when they do, they're really slow.

Spoilers, the multiplayer is exactly the same as other CoD games.