
Is there some law in France that Gerard Depardieu must be included as a love interest in their films, no matter how old/fat/gross/Putin-loving he may be?

None of them have any clue what they’re talking about. More will probably be killed in car crashes on the way to the protests than died in Florida, because teenagers are clueless about risk assessment.

Glad you Googled it first too before finding out the hard way. My daughter wanted to play and since there was no way to save in a specific file slot, I stopped and looked it up and proceeded to create an account for her.

I accidentally switch to the selfie cam *every single time* I try to close the camera. Why does switching the sprint button ALSO switch that button?!

Hey, a day without Patricia Hernandez spewing bullshit about gender all over video games is a win in my book.

So, um.. women don’t show up to work at kotaku to show the valuable contribution they make to this website. And yet everyone is going to come in this site and read posts like usual and no one would even notice this was happening if you didn’t point it out in this post ( which is why, I imagine, you did so)

That’s the thing we really don’t need to “raise awareness” but people feel the need to play the victim. Sucks to be a white male where everything is somehow your fault and your not allowed to say shit about anything.

Why has no CEO just decided to fire all male employees and hire women? you would cut costs by 30%

I just got the game for the Wii U, and for those already playing it, what’s the best controller scheme?

Bruh, my kids are 4 and 6 and I’d still love a night nurse. Maybe just a night cleaning service. Or just help. Send help?!

Wish we’d done it, but then we just had one. Using your all your resources to tackle newborns is critical, and with time fixed and sleep rare, using money to buy sleep is a good value.

I enjoy Snacktaku but was not a fan of this format, it didn’t really work that well. Maybe over time the awkwardness and stumbling between the two hosts could be smoothed out though. Just my opinion!

Now you see the tolerance of the modern liberal. Agree completely with my view or F off, end of discussion. Yet they wonder why some people are offended. I personally don’t think anyone else, the government, etc, should be involved. If you want to abort a baby at 8 months that is on you, you have to live with it. Some

Wow, I find it difficult to believe you wrote this amazing article after seeing your childish responses to criticism. You need to grow up and learn how to be a professional

Don’t worry, these authors are downright assholes. Even if they don’t agree with your viewpoints, even if you explained yourself properly, they would still attack you for not conforming to their narrow mindsets.

What’s your point? You were still incredibly unprofessional and childish.

Wow, you just lost a lot of credibility, Jia. Responding to an opposing opinion in that way, even over something as benign as the title of your article, does far more damage to you as a writer than to the one who posted the comment. Think about it, now people aren’t thinking about the subject of your article, they are

And yet another mature response from an author on the site. My god, I thought commenting was supposed to be about discussion and debate and all I get is slammed. How many times do I have to say that I realize now that I used the wrong words to describe what I meant and realize that it came across completely

There was no need to further explain yourself. The title of the article is totally clickbait.