
I’ll add you. Me and my brother both need to run it. Im stuck at 295, I could really use a new cloak and ghost shell. Edpsx is me and my brother is ddupree67.

Who knows really. Apparently they all own movie theaters or are a part of the movie theater union and don’t like giving out refunds. Its just a $10 ticket, not like he asked for his $200 refunded or something. People need to lighten up. And yes, he can ask for a refund all he wants, its his prerogative.

Font definitely sucks, thought it was my browser settings at first too.

How much did Nintendo pay you to say this? Like Katai said, it takes too long to find anyone. Give me a box shaped map and let use duke it via terrain, not over the length of a whole course.

I stopped watching it past that point and saw no reason to continue with a bunch of filler episodes past the main story line. I hope Log Horizon doesnt do the same thing.

I was thinking the exact same thing.

HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA, gotta love the box.

I thought prisoners gave up all their rights? If so he has no ground to stand on. He wont get out until 2031 unless Panama has good behavior leniency. So I wouldnt think Activision has much to worry about. He'll probably die before that happens. He has been in three prisons in three different countries. USA,

That auto leveling is trippy as hell lol

Actually the console was sitting in front of them. Probably hooked up over HDMI Baluns to the video switcher. You can see the console in the opening sequence.

Irregular has a good manga story so I imagine the anime will be great too.

So they spent three years and a bunch of money to develop something already similar to stuff on the market???

The fake cheer track they use is terribly annoying.

Yeah I wonder how they got it. I noticed it last night, but turned it off. Didnt want spoilers. Huge fan of the old series.

Assassination Classroom! Excellent.

Cant get enough of that show... Damn zombie cheerleaders.

Ive owned all the wipeout games. Been my favorite racer for awhile. If only they hadnt closed the studio that made that wonderful game.