
That’s a lot of words just to say the guy is a dick. :)

This was my first thought, too. She’d turn into the biggest victim on the planet if somebody called her the c-word at work, only to have the HR rep tell her that she’d need more evidence to prove it was a hostile workplace for women.

All bullying abusers want us to prove our tolerance by letting them murder us. 


we dont tolerate the right’s bullshit anymore. it’s been tolerated long enough. it’s time to NOT tolerate you. so fuck off.

the fact that someone would get on national television and make disparaging comments about me because I’m simply trying to do my job is disgusting.”

He fears that this could be the end of his academic career. I hope it is not and I told him so

Whenever I think that The NYPD has slid down the scale of truly reprehensible law enforcement entities they do something to remind me that they are the same loathsome, disgraceful collection of scumbags they have always been. I would love to do a study as to how many of these cretins have ties to white supremacists

NYPD has spent 19 years working their asses off to retroactively earn 9/11.

In the end, if what is in this report is true, cops responded to a police brutality protest by committing unspeakable acts of police brutality.

Just a few bad apples

These motherfuckers love playing army as long as no one is actually shooting back.

MUTHAFUCKA you haven’t even ran them second stimulus checks. Mind you that’s outside the fact of how this dipshit said how “yeeuge” it was going to be. See how that turned out.

In the process to restore his hairline Prime has lost his goddamn mind...

Bad ass women being bad asses. Keep getting into that good trouble.

Ok fat Hitler...

Is she related to My Little Pony? 

Please remember that Smith and Carlos were punished by the same guy who was pro Nazi salute.
Ultimately, I hope a bunch of people protest this bullshit.  It’s not like they can REALLY take the victory away from you, and calling a nationalistic sporting competition apolitical is some fucking white people bullshit.

Is a draft even possible these days? Almost every teen I know is on the autism spectrum, on psychiatric meds, or transgender, all of which make them ineligible to serve? Or will the military lower its standards in order to keep up the numbers, like they did in the 00s.

I wonder what the Venn diagram of hotep beliefs and free thinker beliefs looks like. Like do they almost completely overlap except free thinkers believe in using lotion?

There are only three reasons that anyone would conflate blackness with undereducation, laziness, unemployment or dope dealing: