
I don’t think the retail employees have a lot of power over whether their employer steals designs.

Completely agree. Never have I been so glad that Jez has political coverage that’s separate from Gawker’s. These ladies are killing it.

Yeah what I loved about Bill’s speech was the answer to the “Hillary Succeeded because of nepotism” complaint—he made it clear (to me at least) that Hillary Clinton’s career would have been, perhaps, even more successful had she remained Hillary Rodham.

Piss off, Andrew Sullivan. Not everything is about you.

Or maybe you both feel this way because 25 years of relentless Republican propaganda can penetrate even a progressive’s worldview.

I feel like people truly have no idea who she is. She’s been fighting for women and children and families her entire life. Personally and politically. It’s amazing and saddening how much people have bought into the narrative of untrustworthy, flip-flopping, craven, politically motivated Hillary.

Whatever woman became the first presidential nominee from a major US party - whether that was going to be Clinton or somebody else - was never going to be the pristine and pure beacon of hope and change, etc. that any of us may want to see, simply because it takes a championship fighter to break down barriers.

Have you actually looked into Stein? She holds some anti-science positions.

I think that’s a dangerous game to play. I know you don’t mean it this way, but I do feel that any female nominee would be met with objections of “I’ve wanted a female presidential nominee for a long time, just not this female presidential nominee.” All candidates have faults, but female candidates are expected to be

I’m voting for a politician I want one that knows how the game is played & can win so they can actually get things done. I don’t have to like them anymore than I have to be best buddies with the guy that fixes my car. I just want someone that knows how cars work. Hillary knows more about politics & how it works than

Younger women might also not be old enough to remember all the ridiculous sexist bullshit she had to put up with when the Clintons first came on the national scene.

What exactly is a family-friendly platform? One where the woman candidate promises to make cookies? Or the one that exists for the world we live in where she is trying to reduce the number of kids who die from gun violence.

I believe it was sincere.

I think plenty of disappointed Bernie supporters graciously showed their sadness in other ways. Others at the convention seemed to be there only to harass, boo and humiliate Clinton supporters. I don’t think they heard a word Bernie said, they simply are liberals who love misogyny. They’re disgusting. The legit

And Hillary Clinton has never quit on anything in her life.

This movie was at 11:50am on a Saturday. If you wish to avoid children at the movie theatre, a weekend matinee might not be the best time to attend.

Because Hispanic and Latin aren’t the same thing. Hispanic refers to the language a person speaks and Latin to their region of origin.

Are you blaming Queen Latifah for homophobia in hip-hop? A queer person is not responsible for ending homophobia. That work falls on non-queer people. Same way white people should be working to end racism instead of standing in a corner either denying its existence or asking black people how they can help.

Dear Lame Giant,

It depends on what poll you’re looking at. Stop looking at national polls which are about as informative as the National Enquirer.