
A lot of commenters are really missing the point that the mothers of Tamir Rice, Trayvon Martin*, Eric Garner, Mike Brown, and on and on and on managed not to attack any reporters even when they began flocking to report on their children’s deaths. There is another factor besides grief here, and it’s called whiteness.

I’m an adjunct at a midwestern university. many of my friends are adjunct or tenure track folks at universities across the USA. We are all in the Humanities and many of us regularly teach about race, gender, sex, and class. None of us have encountered any issues with students needing to be coddled and not wanting to

Women in control of their shit are always going to be vilified. Young, old, it doesn’t seem to matter...men can use and abuse any number of women in rapid succession but seem to cry the loudest when the script is flipped.

do you not recognize the difference between shooting yourself and being shot by someone else?

I would say, “what’s it going to take for things to change? A congressman being killed by their spouse in a domestic dispute? A congressman’s daughter? Son?”

I liked that he acknowledged the sexism that plagues Clinton’s very existence.

Is it February 15th, 2016 already?

Sit-Ins have a long and dignified history. Not childish at all.

I like how you’re ignoring the OpenSecrets list that shows only 4 Democrats have gotten any money from the NRA. Four. 4. FOUR.

Actually no - only a handful of Dems:

I don’t think she told Jon because he was totally undermining her every time she tried to make any decision or advise him on the battle.

I AM a lawyer. You should probably stop studying for the LSATs, though.

You are able to get paid for all work your employer “suffers or permits”. Your employer doesn’t need to specifically approve your work for you to get paid for it. As long as the employer knew or should have know about the work. Your employer can’t get away with not paying overtime by giving you too much work to do in

Annie*, 23, is a publishing assistant at a major book publishing house in New York who makes around $36,000 a year with overtime, and receives good benefits.

Elizabeth Warren was a Republican until 1996. I love her, but please give me a break with this “all the Bernie people would have been fine if only it was a DIFFERENT woman.”

Oh right, I forgot the BernieBro mantra that the Democratic party is “conservative” now. LMFAO.

One of the most aggavating things about this election has been watching certain idiot BernieBros insist that Hillary is “basically a Republican” because she voted for the Iraq War.

Anyone who actually understands the constitutional crisis in Honduras knows it’s not a basis for a substantive critique of Clinton. We want elected leaders who listen to international law experts’ analyses of foreign countries’ laws and constitutions instead of jumping to conclusions.

No consequences, absolutely no remorse, violent and degrading crime... what about this guy says ‘not likely to reoffend’?

I doubt he will win. Almost every poll shows Trump trailing Clinton, sometimes by double digits. Although a lot can happen between now and election day, the demographics simply aren’t in Trump’s favor.