
because the nut shot didn’t make contact—literally no response from James until Windhorst jealously pointed out someone had tried to take his favorite ballwashing position. James then whined to the league LIKE A BITCH.

Hanna-Jones is amazing. Please listen to the This American Life episode she was on last summer. It’s a two part episode titled “the problem we live with” which deals with segregation in school districts in and near Ferguson,MO.

I know, but I think it has less to do with his age, and his occasionally-corny-delightful way of being in the world.

Berniebros would be having an aneurysm that Clinton hadnt conceeded.

AND the fact that Warren is positioning herself for VP.

Donald Trump got spooked by Megyn Kelly when she acted halfway competent. He won't step into the same room as Rachel Maddow.

Yeah, nothing proves the existence of sexism and misogyny more than when they turn on a woman who is “uppity” and not behaving in a way that is pre approved by the bros. Simple human decency towards women is not “conditional” upon her behavior being approved by the bros.

But they all claimed “but I love Elizabeth Warren” to prove they weren’t sexist.

The level of vitriol already being thrown at her on Twitter by people in the Sanders camp calling her a traitor, immoral, corrupt, etc. is beyond. They really don’t give a shit. They’re treating this election like it’s a fucking football game.

Ohhhhh, so many millennials are going to regret their tattoos.

Not sure that this would be a reason for recusal, especially in the area.

I would say don’t feed the trolls but it’s becoming harder and harder to differentiate that from the salty non-Hillary supporters. Your sons* will live in a different world than the one we’ve grown up in.

ANYONE that pressures someone to drink is OUT OF LINE. It is so insensitive and just shows that those “peer pressure” talks from elementary school don’t sink in with people. Kudos to you for choosing a bachelorette that you felt was best. (Also, why do people need others to drink for them to have fun? They can drink

Nothing “works” to keep someone sober. You work to be sober. There are tools that help. You know what doesn’t “work”? Not trying.

As a woman, it is amazing to think that I might get to see the first woman president. I am so excited for all the girls who will grow up potentially experiencing this and being empowered by it.

As a parent who is trying to raise feminist boys, I am also excited for my sons, even though they’ll be too young to fully

Haters gonna hate but, when all is said and done, and we are 50 years past this, HRC is going to be on a dollar bill, or some monument, or something. The crap this woman has had to go through to get this far, and the pure gumption and chutzpa she has shown in the face of enormous animosity, sexism, and whatever else

Definition of rape per the FBI “Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.”

And not even shaming among the people that matter to his future: white male Stanford grads.

Parent of a 7 y/o boy here. Still snickered at this.

It’s very, very good. In fact, most stuff by the How Stuff Works team that I have encountered is very high quality, well-researched and fairly sensitive to various power dynamics and how those may relate to the topics they cover.