
Shoutout to all my lawyer Jezzies. For us (at least for litigators) we sort of have ethical standards about what to wear. Lawyers have to disappear in court — it’s all about the client’s needs. You have to be effectively communicating and advocating for the client. If someone is noticing your clothing instead of your

THIS! I like having my “lawyer costume” that I put on every morning. It makes me feel badass.

“But” That little word that means I don’t believe ANYTHING I said before it.

Lawyer here. It’s very disrespectful. Judges always address me as “Counsel” or, if they know me, “Ms. LastName.”

And we all know if the genders were reversed the judge never would have pulled this bullshit.

And that autistic adults are already here.

Here’s the thing, though. Autism ISN’T cancer. It’s not a disease. It’s a neurological difference.

I’m an autistic mom to an autistic kid. I really wish neurodiversity were more widely embraced. Maybe, just maybe, at some glorious point in a not-too-future time, we’ll spend less money on trying to figure out WHY people are autistic and more money actually helping autistic people live in a world that is not built

You can tell it is science because it involves a laser.

Also, all the people who said if they can’t vote for Bernie, they’ll vote for Trump. White middle aged male.

Re: people saying Trump and Hillary are basically the same... How come every person I’ve heard say that has been a white male? Every. Single. One.

Yes. Yes yes yes yes. While Allen’s argument is clunky and badly worded to the point where it’s pretty much wrong, I think her core point is true. We live in a sexist society. Many liberal or centrist men don’t want to vote for Hillary because *reasons* - things that they’d give a man a pass for, or in some instances

It IS a kids book. Richard Adams first ‘wrote’ it by telling the story to his young daughters. They made him turn it into a book.

Girl knows what she’s doing. Do you see the l0ok on her face?? She’s always going to be a Jersey girl.

YAAAAAS! yaaas Kelly you look so good! OMG yaaaaaaas

Nope nope nope nope nope NOOOOOPE PLEASE everyone stop saying that Warren should be the running mate. She can do SO MUCH MORE GOOD where she is right now than she ever could possibly do as VP.

As a consumate duffelbag user, you’re being That Guy™.

As a consumate duffelbag user, you’re being That Guy™.

So what? Everyone who runs for office does it partially due to ego. Her record on women’s issues is solid. Just by being elected she would do something incredible for women, by proving one of us can make it. That has an enormous psychological benefit. The idea that my son may grow up seeing a woman in the White House

I saw Kristen Schall posted a pic of her wearing a HRC shirt and all amount people shaming her and posting pro Bernie Sanders stuff was rather disheartening, saying they are disappointed, and seems like most of them saying it are women

Tweets like Charline McCray’s make me tear up and my heart swell a million times larger. Can we pause all the fighting on the left for a moment to appreciate what a historic precipice we’re standing on? If we nominate Hillary, we become the first major party to ever nominate a woman for U.S. President. And if she win