
I own the seminal 'Kick' by INXS (where if you just play 'Need You Tonight' 12 times, you'll have had a better listening experience than listening to the actual album), and so will naturally give the playlist a listen. 'San Junipero' is the best of the ones I've seen of this season. I never thought I'd say this, but

I don't think it was Georgia cops, actually. Looked to be US Marshals. Given that Seagate is very likely a federal facility (albeit privately-run), and the Marshals are responsible for tracking down fugitives from federal prisons, this makes sense.

A character named Scarfe killing someone with a necktie seems a little … on the nose.

One aspect that appears to be un-noticed is that from what I recall of the previous episode, Z-67, 'Sullivan's Gas', does turn Zygons inside out.* Kate mentions its possible use both in the last episode and this one, giving an all-too-literal meaning to the episode's title. For me, that was a Damocles Sword always

I think it is Harry. The references are just too specific and winking. Plus in Mawdryn Undead, Harry is said to be doing something "hush-hush" at Porton Down. It's very neat, and perfect in terms of canon.

UNIT soldiers getting mown down by Sontarans, Zygons, Yetis, Daleks, Cybermen etc. is a longstanding Who tradition. Even if they had attempted to shoot them, it wouldn't necessarily have worked. As Kate's dad once mused, it would be nice to be invaded by something that *wasn't* immune to bullets.

It is possible to be both. He can and may be using the zealotry in service of the opportunism, or vice versa.

I am eagerly waiting for Stannis to make his appearance at The Wall. Stannis may be a religous zealot who traffics with otherworldly horrifying beings, but at least he's consistent. Swear your fealty to the Lord of Light and him (in that order), and you're relatively safe, albeit probably consisting on a seagull-based

I feel a series featuring Ser Pounce bringing miscreant mice to justice would end suddenly in something furry ending up in a pot of brown on Gin Alley.

The Prime Minister has the discretion to appoint anyone she or he likes. Being a currently serving member of parliament certainly helps, but the Statsminister can choose anyone at all, presumably though they have to be a Danish citizen. Of course Laugesen could refuse (and probably would, given his cushy position of

Stray observation: Laugesen might well have perfect to pack off to Brussels. It appeals to his ego, Ekspres under his tenure has been a thorn in the side of Nyborg's government (since Nyborg did not meekly step aside and allow him to become Statsminister), plus more than a few in the Labour party would be delighted to

I'm sure others have noticed it, but I think Katrine rebuffing Kenneth, a spin doctor, and getting into a relationship with Benjamin, a spin *instructor*, has all the hallmarks of an intentional joke by the writers.

For those of you who know a little about evolution and cloning, Dr Aldous Leekie's first name is a double reference. First, because of the reference to Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World" last episode. Second, for Aldous's grandfather Thomas Huxley, who was a contemporary of Darwin and did much to popularize Darwin's

As Orphanites, we're planning to pay a visit to Jim's Restaurant, 897 Queen St E, Toronto, where Sarah had her rendezvous with Helena this week. Hope to see you there!

Those of us who paused the show just as Vic was looking at Felix's Google Map will have noticed that the location given is nowhere near Scarborough (or 'Scarberia' as Felix and many locals know it). It's about midway along Major Mackenzie Drive East between Woodbine Avenue and Warden Avenue, which puts it smack in

Delphine mentioning the phrase 'brave new world' *and* a character with the first name Aldous? Someone knows their classic dystopian sci fi, and isn't afraid to show it.