edmund hillary clinton

I never liked meditating in a class since they tend to be long and I am super-competitive - did that person move? Are they focused? Should I focus more? I didn't think a short meditation would help but it really does (for me).

have you tried meditation? I just downloaded a free app called Stop, Breathe, and Think that I found after googling something along the lines of "how do I stop fuming over work?" Many meditations are free and last from 2-8 minutes. Deep breathing helps so much.

It was at the Cinemateque - so big screen but not a theatrical release.

1996 was the height of my movie-going days, where my friends and I would see 2-3 movies a week in the theatre, mainly dollar shows, museum "classic" series, and the Cleveland Cinemateque. Yet I only saw one of these - Nightjohn, which is in fact a stone-cold masterpiece (hopefully that was one that Iggy meant). Bill

I was 7 when I lost my dad and yea, it does mess with you, but we're 40 years down the road and now it is just the way my life has always been. It helps that my mom is cool and so we are very close.

That isn't that long. 5-6 years has been the typical time to get a (U.S-based) PhD. I took 5.5 years back in the late '90s.
And congratulations!

I just got a ticket for November (unbelievably off Broadway.com and not a scalper!) and will be sad to miss them. But Mel Brooks said that Munoz is a better Hamilton, so it will be a thrill to see him. I just hope at least a couple of the original cast members are still in it by that point.

Exactly. If you are stuck in San Jose for a training session for a week, being put in the fabulous Marriott Courtyard conveniently located next to the Great Mall of San Jose, the Winchester Mystery House starts looking as fascinating as the Paris Catacombs.

Tom Hollander screams I AM THE FUCKER!!!

Zac Efron?

And How I Met Your Mother (the rhyming one).

The album gives me chills. I can't even imagine how good it is in the theatre.
And the diversity in the Tony noms this year is incredible, a lot of which is from Hamilton, but not all.

I was thinking of going to NYC to see The Crucible, mainly for my love of Ben Whishaw. Would you highly recommend one of these plays much more highly than that?

I don't understand this reasoning. He didn't build a twist in, that woman fucking killed her baby. It may be more visceral showing it unfold in the film the way it did in real life than putting a disclaimer at the beginning saying "oh, and btw the baby dies", but saying they filmmaker manipulated anything is just

She is so badass I am a bit disappointed that she threatened to sick her husband on him!

I have always wanted to read Le Guin (based on a short story of hers that I loved). Would you start with that book? Did AVC ever do a primer on her?

As soon as the dog entered the book I went to the end to see if the dog lived.

My fantasy is to sit next to him on a flight. My fantasy life maybe needs some work ;)

Do you like Lee Mack? You can watch his stand up on YouTube. His sitcom is not that great, but his standup is joke heavy with about zero introspection.