edmund hillary clinton

Plus Ex Machina. The guy is actually quite the chameleon. He also plays the Kid killed towards the beginning of the True Grit remake.

I think that was the worst part for me about this episode. You expect it from Josh, but where the hell was Raquel's compassion here?

Based on the ads, it looks like Royal Architecture is a subsidiary of Veridian Dynamics.

"Thank god for modern analgesics!"

Plus he looks almost normal-sized in that film. The man's a chameleon!


Wait - Stephen Fry's Harry Potter audiobooks? How does that compare to Jim Dale" readings? His are essentially the gold standard of audiobooks for me, but I do love Stephen Fry.

I forgot he did Rush! That really was a good flick.

That first trailer was terrible so a B review is encouraging. But I can't believe they were able to take a harrowing story of survival at sea that includes a lot of class and race commentary and make it "corny". Well, I can believe it, but wish I couldn't.

I am going to need this in book form, thanks.

No Merry Clayton, no deal.

The Haunting of Hill House is great October reading. I am trying to make it through House of Leaves but the footnotes are really bugging me (normally I enjoy footnotes, such as in Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, but here it is not nearly as engaging as the story going on in the house) So I am mixing it up with

He was in one of the seasons of The Tudors and I have seen him pop up on episodic TV, but between Black Robe and Jesus of Montreal, you think he would have had a more notable career.

Good to know. I doubt I'll be to see it until next year unfortunately. The time lapses in the book were a bit jarring for me so I expect that might be difficult to translate to film. I don't really expect anything profound - I'll just be happy w batshit crazy.

I am so psyched for High Rise. The reactions from people at TIFF seem to vary widely, but the negative ones are offering criticisms I don't mind or sometimes understand (such as not having Laing be the audience stand-in, which you shouldn't really expect anyway). I suspect it will be on an equal number of Best of

Including the author!

For some reason it made me think of the TV show Profitt from 15 or so years ago. That was pretty unsettling.

These all sound really interesting - you should injure yourself more often!


I was traveling the last two weeks and read The Last King of Scotland which is great if not somewhat depressing (I was in Tanzania at the time so was definitely relating to some of the day-to-day life if not the massive corruption and brutality of Amin's regime). I also read - and I kid you not - no fewer than SIX