Dan Meyers

And this people is why we cant have nice things. When it started Uber was a side gig for people that already have jobs to make a few bucks on the side. Then a bunch of people decided to do it full time and bitch about how the system doesn’t work as they assume it should. Uber/Lyft didnt do anything to discourage this

I guess, I mean none of these are hard and fast rules. They are all a preference. Hell in some cases an 84 month loan might be appropriate.

My wife and I had a crazy experience with student loans; I had none and she had $230K in debt when she finished her LL.M in 2007. I exited the workforce during the Great Recession, we got married in Spring 2008, and my wife started her legal career one month later. Remarkably, her undergrad loans were only $6K

i really love the uproar about the avocado toast. guy had a real and valid point, but people got so defensive and outraged everyone missed/denied it.

There literally was nothing she could do to avoid hitting the tree. Frankly, given the way most people drive, that she actually saw the tree start to fall and hit the brakes before impact puts her driving skills above the majority of the population.

You have a fundamentally flawed understanding of healthcare. You want a Gov run single payer system. That’s simply not a cost effective solution.

The free market works. If the job you have is not meeting your needs look for another job. These ride sharing (cognito taxi) services were never designed to be your major

Luke: I have a long commute and my current car is unreliable.

Wasn’t this in Germany? :-)

Now playing

Whether you agree with what he’s saying or not, reducing his quote to a sound bite about “avocado toast” and then mocking it is misrepresenting the original statement and missing the point about people having continual patterns of irresponsible spending. He was not talking about the purchase of a single item twice a

1: Buy used. I did.

Despite Jalopnik’s desire to smear and end all ride sharing companies, I know my friends and I (and legions of people) here in San Diego will continue to gleefully use Uber and Lyft because they are 10x better than the alternative. So yeah, keep trying Jalopnik.. it isn’t going to work.

Welp, I’ll be driving home from the bars drunk I guess. Since there are no all-electric environmentally-sensitive unionized 51% woman organically grown non-profit no animal testing car ride companies to choose from, and taxis in my city are next to impossible to get at 2 am, I must drive after my eight martini happy

sounds to me like its not about the money, but the principle of it. but you can’t possibly hope to hear both side of the coin on a gawker article, do you? especially with a headline like that.

Solid journalism Alanis...