
@Daveinva: I don't recall saying that literacy guarantees a successful revolution.

@Arken: Touché, sir.

@dylan.carey: I understand, and I was backing your point. I was addressing Arken's reply about human slaves.

@Arken: That's kind of the point. Slaves are typically forbidden from learning to read or write.

@Hotscot: And why does he have such tiny arms!? I can't unsee them!

@ShayGuy: I'm much more in favor of the second option: clean design which hides all the complicated stuff, although I wouldn't mind seeing more variety in general.

This just looks awful.

@Tyrunn: She was pretty entertaining in "War, Inc."

@Pope John Peeps II: "So the filmmaker didn't give you a story that validates your worldview. Is that wrong?"

@Belabras: With this group, I'm kinda' hoping for a Bullet Party.

Street Sharks!

@Lonesharkx: Psh! I don't carry stuff that hot on me, but I hear you can score some in the Great Valley. Just ask for Petrie.

@a.seivewright: It was Apatosaurus. Brachiosaurus was a different beast altogether.

@skywalker993: Haha, wow. Yeah, I sometimes hear the "holding back human evolution" thing, and I tend to think they don't understand how evolution works.

@skywalker993: Well, I live in the Bible Belt, so your mileage may vary. However, in my opinion, American culture is pretty saturated with religion, specifically Christianity. How often do you hear people say "I'll pray for you" when something bad happens? Or how we have "In God We Trust" printed on our money, and

@Eridani: I'm not rationalizing the actions and words of a few atheists out there who take every opportunity to cut theists down. I think they are jerks. I am, however, putting the general sentiment of atheists like myself into context. Most of us are tired of having religion waved in our faces constantly, and when

@Tracy Ham and Eggs: I don't think it's a fair point, considering the religious privilege in society. The very reason there is a vocal atheist minority is because our society is so saturated with religion, and anything nontheist is looked at with scorn. Most of us are just tired of having religion as the default

@Burke: Ok, you win. John Lithgow as Catwoman, and Philip Seymour Hoffman as the Penguin!