
The pretzel stick in my copy of the Molestics' album was looking pretty manky last I checked.

I never heard a Richard Marx song until he started showing up in more of an oldies context on "Jack" style mixed format stations years later.
Highly unimpressed.

Is it? The majority seem to be defending him and his material.

I remember years ago, in the final years of Donahue, he had a bunch of guests on who were disputing their rejections from Guinness consideration; the thing was, all their entries were blatantly, ridiculously subjective, but they just refused to see it.
One lady, for instance, was practically foaming at the mouth over…

I always thought some band should do a live "Roadrunner medley" starting with the old blues song, segueing into the Jonathan Richman song, then topping it off with the cartoon theme.

To be fair, the Randian stuff wasn't Lee's, it was Peart's (who has since distanced himself from it as a youthful philosophical infatuation).

That's way kinder than what I used to call him.

Forgotten… by ignorant fucks whose opinions don't matter!

For limited, traditional bourgeois notions of <pffft!> "good," probably not.

Odenkirk came up with the actual "living in a van down by the river" catchphrase for the character that Farley had begun working on.

This thread isn't nit-picky enough for me.
Get more particular, you guys!

You only need to worry if he viciously bites you on the face.
(Which he will, because, hey, fucking monkey.)

Should have spelled it "Oyle" and linked him to Popeye's girlfriend's family.

And they're all dudes. No Southside Susie or Southside Anne?

Should be easy, what with all the pretending you have to do in order to think that it's not true.

This reminds me of the time we used a quick shot of you in some famous scene from pop culture in lieu of coming up with something funny.

Wouldn't the "greatest redshirt" have to get killed to qualify? That guy's just in an awkward social situation.
Just having a red shirt doesn't quite cut it. Manner of death would also have to be a factor: most gratuitous, most immediate after beamdown, most humiliating, etc.

It spent months before it came out under the name "Let's Rob Mick Jagger," which people mocked the hell out of, then they changed it to this, which rendered it impossible for anyone to remember that it even existed.
You know, that old story.

It's mustard, green relish, and maybe onions if they're not too nasty & dried-out looking from sitting there all day. That is all.

"I am not trolling."
"Private account" pretty much automatically means that you are.