Go fuck a goat, “Recoegnitions.” Barb & Star was fucking delightful. Dismissed.
Go fuck a goat, “Recoegnitions.” Barb & Star was fucking delightful. Dismissed.
She’s right. I’d love to see more of Barb & Star though, or even just the more unhinged, vaguely surreal go-for-it sensibility of the latter movie and the way it kind of exceeded Bridesmaids laughs-wise for me.
Well, no I, Robot was actually way more unfaithful to the source than this, which does make some efforts at very vaguely, generally sort of following the overall plot & concept of the original (there’s still an Empire, Hari Seldon has still predicted its downfall via statistical pseudoscience, and has founded a…
Too Star Wars-y.
You’re going to feel silly when it’s revealed that the worms have been attacking anus-first this whole time.
I forgot all about this! I was going to check it out, but for some reason I decided to give that Teen Wolf reunion movie thing a look first, and then never finished it because it was ultra-mega-super terrible.
Yes, as Reggie Perrin. I also have a disqus account out there I created after AVClub went kinja with Martin Wellbourne as the avatar.
I definitely remember her soap-opera suicide attempt in her weirdly windswept music video apartment as one of the most ludicrous, impossible to take seriously scenes I had yet seen at the time.
Too much colloidal silver?
Even more, I want to see a nuWho Doctor stay between showrunners. The notion that when a showrunner changes, the Doctor must too is getting too entrenched.
Most I remember about that one is the standard-issue smarmy romcom posters & TV trailer putting me off back in the day. Plus Jim Belushi.
I tried to watch some of St. Elmo’s Fire a couple of weeks back for the first time in quite a few years. Jesus fucking Christ, what a shitty, shitty, shitty, shitty piece of godawful dogshit-ass worthless garbage movie that is. Verges on unwatchable. I’d advise against retaining any nostalgic affection for it, unless…
She dated Ackroyd when she and Michaels were separated but not officially divorced, but the relationship was over and the pressure to be cool about everything took care of the rest.
Eh, to be fair, I suspect Boreanaz’s shitty taste is directly reflected in the steadily less-interesting starring characters he’s played as he’s gained more control over his shows.
Plus the fact that a TV adaptation of that Wild Cards was said to be in the works a while back. Then we get this bullshit weak-tea excuse for a regular-ass procedural instead.
killed the show for me
Plus, his act of burning all the heart-shaped herb so there could be none after him just showed that his own ego was a higher priority than the cause he espoused or the oppressed people he claimed to stand for.
I’ve been kind of enjoying Russel Crowes late-career thing of doing cheesy broad fake accents; his “middle aged guy who owns a Greek diner” take on Zeus was one of the few things I actually found funny in Thor 4.
I’m getting really sick of what whiny little fussbudget bitches people are about “bad” FX these days. Doesn’t matter how impressive it is, there’s always some snotbag calling the CGI “shit.”
Eh, they can just say that those Majors Kangs were just the ones we could see from that angle, and that the versions played by the new person were farther off in that shot, their faces indistinct.