Saban himself is a notorious fucking dickbag.
Saban himself is a notorious fucking dickbag.
Complaints I tend to put in the “true enough, but silly to be annoyed much by” file.
Is this supposed to be ranked? Because there’s no fucking way Grey’s Anatomy’s musical episode is better than Regional Holiday Music. Especially being just a “jukebox” covers musical.
-Everyone’s attempt at a Southern accent is god-awful throughout the show’s entire seven-season run.
Plenty O’Toole.
I thought the problem with the card game in Casino Royale was replacing baccarat with the trendiest-at-the-time variant of poker imaginable.
A whole goddamn season of Sunny just came and went with nothing from this site, the place that first introduced me to the show way back in like season 5.
Ditch any one of the secondary tracks from “The Game” (like Save me or the title track) in favor of its “lost” single (I remember it being on the radio for a hot minute then vanishing) Need Your Loving Tonight. A case of Queen doing some pure power pop, and such a catchy riff:
I’m talking mostly about the original 70s show and the more current incarnation (I think it was just cancelled after this past season). The recent show especially is full of some “Blue Bloods” level of “cops are always good and this recent criticism of police in media is wrong because of this obvious, calculated…
Waiting for all these linked tweets to load was maddening. I miss when the site would post screenshots for the main examples, then post non-embedded links below as an option if you really wanted to go to the stupid place.
How did they get two Paterson Josephs? They clone him or something?
“The number” is “barely any.” A couple of early bad takes drowned out by a clear majority of people rightly condemning Hill. I had to scroll way down before I started finding the people talking like that.
At the same time, they’e pretty accessible/available, though I guess people would have to actually impose them on their kids instead of that just being what’s on (like I hear happens with people who want their kids to see stuff like classic Loony Tunes). Those shows are constantly rotating on and off free/cheap ad…
All of S.W.A.T. in any incarnation is just shitty repellent copaganda, anyway.
They did a good job not shitting all over the original show
Saw this back in the day, fell in love with it. Had it on VHS, waited for the first time it came out on DVD and bought it on the day (that one had a few extras, guess I’ve gotta pay up for more now). In my Top Five for favorite Scorsese movies, favorite 80s movies, favorite NYC movies, favorite comedies and favorite…
As a voracious comedy nerd, I read about the Fast Show and was endlessly pissed off about never being able to see it (here in Canada). Finally, our Comedy Network cable channel (which is vastly worse now and only shows reruns of the most mainstream contemporary sitcoms in endless marathons, at least back then the odd…
Carrie’s writing is overrated, if not mediocre
He had one of my favorite lines in that movie, when Blank asks him what he’s talking about saying he has to quit being his therapist because they’ve become “emotionally involved”: