
That was my exact first thought. I had to read it again! Still weird. 

I had a rootbeer shake once because the waitress didn’t know what a rootbeer float was. It was delicious!!!

It reminds me of that whole Duggar family Quiverfull religion/cult where the woman is required to gaze upon her man like he’s a god. Vomit. 

My mom did the same thing. 

Yesssss...glitter nail polish is the only kind I don’t immediately destroy/make a giant mess of and have to take off before it’s even dried.

I tint mine once or twice a month so that they’re visible!

What the hell is wrong with this guy (I know, Boston!)??? I learned that this was an unacceptable word to call anyone when I was a child. Back in the 80's. This dude has been in Hollywood for YEARS now. What a moron.

But safety isn’t manly. s/

I so miss my “fancy” platform flip flops. I had a couple of pairs that I bought for like $11 each and wore them until they blew up.

I think maybe it has something to do with how similar her look was to Madonna’s back then? She got a cease and desist letter from Madonna’s team.

Is this Rick Lax guy also responsible for a video I saw of a woman making some sort of ice cream and candy punch in a toilet? 

I had the George Foreman version- also very good. Until I dropped it and broke it. It was a sad day. 

I think it was in the early/mid 90's that KFC had Kentucky fries. They were so good. Then they replaced them with the wedges, which are fine if your KFC bothers to cook them all the way. KFC has new fries now, which are similar, but definitely not as good.

I want Symone to win so badly. Gottmik has really cool looks, but I hate the Paris Hilton act, the vocal fry...and I don’t feel any attachment to Gottmik- I never really saw the personal side of her.

Can you please clarify- cut the steak before it rests and toss? Or rest first? Just want to make sure I read it right!

50 stars for Johnny Bravo! 

As far as I know, she’s only been married twice, so not exactly Liz Taylor territory.

I’ve been making the Betty Ford cookies for a couple of years now...they’re the best chocolate cookies I’ve ever had.

Yeah, that all sounded so icky. I’m hoping it was just excitement/not thinking through his word choice. 

Dole Whip is also tasty with a splash of rum.