
They all have stupid names. That Blockbuster. That Limitless Glow. That Big Screen. That Fresh Take. That Hit Single. I wish I had the packaging from the sample, it had the most ridiculous description.

I actually received a sample of her skin cream. It smells like old lady. And the descriptions on the packaging are off the charts ridiculous and stupid. 

I had a lot of trouble sleeping after my first dose (Pfizer) and a gross bitter taste in my mouth for several days. The taste comes back here and there, but isn’t constant like it was at first.

Good riddance! 

My grandma and grandpa had some of those raisin figurines...I wonder if they’re now somewhere in my mom’s garage?

The email I received from the A’s last week said there would be no vendors walking the stands and no concession stands on the concourse. Food can be ordered from your seat only (I guess by phone or app?) and delivered to you.

You are correct. 

I wish I still had mine! I am too scared to break in another pair of Docs, though. That was painful. 

Probably not underrated, but I love their dark chocolate cookie butter candy bar. I just hate going to Trader Joe’s. Seems EVERY single TJ’s around me has a nightmare parking lot and I rarely have the patience for that.

Why is he wearing my shoes from the 90's? 

Agreed...I felt like her performance in Snatch Game was the best of the bunch and her runway look had me all choked up. 

I love the Heinz Mayomust and Mayocue. I also like to mix honey mustard and BBQ sauce. 

Even the humble PayDay got a chocolate-covered partner last summer.” The Chocolatey Pay Day existed at least as early as the 80's and then disappeared for a long time. It’s not new. I am old. Thank you.

These people are obviously adults and can do whatever they want...but he broke up with Danica Patrick in July and has already been engaged “for a while” to Shailene? How long is a while?

This. I don’t like Kandy at all. I hate all the screaming and assholery, and so far I don’t even like her drag. But ratings? Blech.

Candy necklaces? They still sell those things? They’re so gross. I’m in California and haven’t seen them anywhere. So lucky me?

he’s the stupidest person on the planet

My 2 year old niece looooves Ryan. She will steal her big brother’s Ryan clothes because it’s “my Ryan!”  Today her favorite is the Grinch, though.

KFC also released a romance novel (I believe digital only) in 2017 called Tender Wings of Desire. It was free on Amazon, so I downloaded it and never read it. Maybe now I should?

He looks prettier.