
I get a “refund” on my membership, which is about $120, a year. I get about $75 back each year. What are other people doing that they have to pay the whole cost of the membership?

The day that a white straight male is fired because “some basement dwelling dwebs want it so” is the day that this isn’t sexist!

I hope they both sue the shit out of Anet for discrimination.

Imagine that you’re Jared Leto

Cool, my asshole ant and uncle think Gerrymandering is a made up word and that it doesn’t actually exist. (The act of doing it, not the word)

Cannot wait for your snowflake reactions when the perp-walks start on the current (illegal) regime.

And America needs one of these.

I was with you up until “Vegan.” Yeah, if you starve yourself you lose weight who knew?



Ah, no. Once it became popular to be a nerd the Jocks cooped it and THEY are the problem.

I work in an industry started by nerds. It’s run by jocks now and they are all faux-nerds.

No, no preorders. Bad kinja!

No, no preorders. Bad kinja!

You are technically correct. The best kind of correct.

It is hard to tell but you can see the corvettes reflection in the glass on the left. Compare how fast it appears to be going to how fast the other cars in the reflection are going. Seems like it was going at lest ‘faster than’ the other cars.

And, yeah, the other car totally turned in front of him.

Is is ON the syllabus or IN the syllabus?

So, what you’re saying is there is an open position?

Hi, Welcome to the institute of I Like Bunnies And Not Wiping Out Humanity Robot Project. We here at IL-BAN-WOHRP like to say, if it has bunnies then we love it, and we love not killing all of humanity even more! *ChuckleSmile*

*Robot in background picks up bunny and pets it*

We have worked long and hard here to make

There are a lot of things you could do with 4$. Bullets cost less than $4. There are other kinds of justice in this world. Just saying.

Get your filthy Overwatch out of my Fallout.

Wow, preorder for Dec 31 2019? Do people really know where they will be in a year+? I certainly don’t. I don’t even know where I will be in 2 months! Could be an underpass. The US is a giant shitball for jobs.

Wow, preorder for Dec 31 2019? Do people really know where they will be in a year+? I certainly don’t. I don’t even