
Everyone who contributes to the gig economy has blood on there hands.

Meditation is no better, or worse, than any other hooy. There is no technique or style that is going to be better or worse. And all the literature on the subject states that it’s application is no better or worse than a placebo.

Yep, it’s not Chicken! It’s anit-LGBTQ sentiments.

There will be likely be no consequences for individual ICE agents given their broad immunity from lawsuits.

I don’t understand why anyone plays sports games. Even the joke videos about them are boring!

Time for Valve to make a competing app store and crush apple.

Nice strawman.

Getting off and not being guilty are two different things.

I technically didn’t break the LAW! Yeah, that sounds SO much better.

BTW if you want to know what would actually make this asshole a better person? Owning up to it, going to jail, doing his time, rehabilitation, then cleaning up his act. And definitely not “I

Yep, oh yeah no way they will ever let go of this power ever again. Just wait. Come 2020 full on vote hacking. 2016 was the last “free” election this country will ever have. Wont be until the next, new, one is formed from the ashes will there ever be a hope for that again.

Only $20 for four extra days? What a steal!

Then stop voting for republicans. Vote for people who will dismantle the military industrial complex and you will cut the government in half (or more) overnight.

Also, you don’t get small government by (only) cutting taxes. You get a corrupt one.

All guests should always feel welcome in our restaurant.

The price I have seen (Microsoft Store) is $49.99.

So, yeah I’ll wait for the year one edition with everything.

I can hear both? Is that a thing?

This is the essence of religion.

Yeah, after the fiasco of Warhammer: Pay for a Full Game and Get 1/10th of a Game and Warhammer II: The same Game as Before Only You Pay the same Costs Again! There was no way I was going to invest in another Total War game. Sorry, but I could overlook the flaws of the games in the past because they were new and novel

Oh yes, that’s what we need. Republicans running our video games too. Don’t vote for this clown.

When I read this I heard it in the voice of Gene(Eugene Mirman), the son of Bob and Linda, in Bob’s Burgers.

Both the fawn and the Gator are 3D rendered and animated. (Not “fake” cause, you know, 3D rendered and animated is still a real thing. Just not a real animal.)

Someone just put a bullet in all these clowns already! There has to be someone who is going to die in 6months anyway from a terminal disease. Com’on, go out in a blaze of glory and rid us of the fascists!