
This is the same jackass who just scribbles his name on any piece of paper Bannon gives him.

He's a big dumb wolf in your neighborhood

Champagne storytelling and caviar cinematography!

I'd be really disappointed in her if she were a real person.

At first I thought Jimmy's trying to desperately pull a Godfather 2 (way to underestimate him there, me) and unnerve him, but I came to believe that she's there so that she can take over for Jimmy in taking care of Chuck. Jimmy can now cut off Chuck completely from his life in good conscience.

I guarantee most "illegals" have a better grasp of the English language than this asshole and his trumpanzees.


Sounds very snowflakey.

I miss the David Mamet-like dialogue of the original trilogy.

Sounds like he needs a safespace. Sad.

Trumpanzee triggered

Oooooooooh. THAT Bacon.

Exif data can't melt steel beams, homey.


"A franchise ruined by inexplicable edits to the original trilogy and terrible prequels"

When Dexter S6 started, I was introduced to the sad and terrible world of hate-watching. So yeah.

"the 1993 paper on Uranus."


Lol at you.

"blues brothers 2000"