
I have to admit we do have to worry about that, K-pop and J drama... I wonder if it will last so long that no one will be interested anymore, like FF15. I’ve bought the movie Advent Children like 3 times in different platforms, hoping a remake would come, and here we are 11 years after that, and judging for FF15, I

I Played and Liked the game, never got to the end though.

Oh the show is still running? should I Catch Up?... So many Do win start and repeat in this show, lost interest a while ago, do they have any idea of why the zombies? or are they in another state? did they moved enough to get to Zombified las vegas? guess I wont come back...

In my country Minimum wage is RD$ 10,500.00 for Big companies, and 60% of people are around 25% more or less, and a SINGLE GAME FILLED WITH LOOT BOXES cost US$60, we pay RD$50 for each 1 US Dollar, the math land you around RD$3,000 depending on game/discount.

Im waiting for a sequel or another game in the sma style, little bit longer.

Same thing I was thinking and waiting, many kids with talent here in DR!

I will stay in WWI in Battlefield 1, with some Brawlhalla mixed in there.

Its... a Beta...

More DOOM, Catching up with witcher 3 before getting the expansion (That will sit on my Steam lybrary for months...)

DOOM, and Some Witcher 3, to see if I can barely scratch the end of my 90+ hours of it...