Edison Amberol Records

Hey Native American woman here! Have you looked into whether you could be one of lost ones? I have watched many tribes, including mine, shove out a lot and I mean a lot of families because during the purge, they hightailed it out of there to avoid the reservations, took on white names and basically disappeared. Now

“Dying is easy, comedy is...”

I mean of course you do though. This site repeatedly shat and shat and shat on Kamala for her prosecutorial days, that are frankly not any more or less relevant than anyone else’s past (i.e. Liz Warren’s extended time as a Republican, Bernie’s awful civil rights record.) But you guys drove the Kamala is a cop rhetoric

You could’ve just asked people in the breakroom - educated, reasonably informed multiracial group of millennial people on the left - why they didn’t support her for president. They didn’t - we didn’t. “Kamala is a cop” was widely understood to be shorthand referencing her prosecutorial record instead of just a low-info

You guys are awesome. It is not hyperbole to say that this site often gets me through the day. Keep up the good work, and for the love of god do not stick to sports.


As a latino, how I fucking hate the word Latinx. Add a different vowel if you don’t like the O, but please realize that that X at the end is just linguistic colonialism.

Thanks for the story Ashley but I don’t think anyone’s asking her to be a ‘mascot’. I think most of what she’s saying is spot-on. Yet, perhaps I’m cynical, I’ve found her increasingly tiresome over the past few days, as her anger as risen. I’m worried for our planet too and I’m not a “young person”. Not all young