

“Yo, Underoos!”

Personally it’s not the reshoots in a vacuum I have a problem with — it’s that the reports are that they are reshooting to make it less dark, less adult-oriented, and less of a war movie — which to me was the appeal of the non-Episode “spin-off” Star Wars movie from the get-go. For all the “these movies are for kids!”

“The move is happening after execs screened the movie and felt it was tonally off with what a ‘classic’ Star Wars movie should feel like,” the article says. “The goal of the reshoots will be to lighten the mood, bring some levity into the story and restore a sense of fun to the adventure.”

“was tonally off with what a ‘classic’ Star Wars movie should feel like”
This is what i’m worried about. I want something that is nothing like “classic” Star Wars. I don’t want it to be another classical adventure movie. I’m expecting a war movie from this.
I just can imagine that it wasn’t communicated well enough that

Say what you will about the prequels- they may have sucked but they sucked in their own unique way. They may have been boring, stiff and awkward but they weren’t generic...

it didn’t measure up to the bar set in terms of four-quadrant appeal.

It’s not an exact copy of another Star Wars film so it has them nervous.

I’m hoping that at some point they just go full meta with it and have a shaky cam episode where they have Supes holding the camera to keep him off screen. Also when Kara asks why he isn’t saying anything Supes can send her a text that says he doesn’t want to have to edit out his voice in post since he’s filming Kara.