
Someone winning the mile and the 200 in the same meet, at the Olympic or Worlds level, is utterly ridiculous. That shit barely happens at DIII college championship meets, and Ledecky’s been able to do it consistently against the best in the world.

Also an interesting cut from Greyworm & Missandei to a hand reaching in between the folds of two books...

Calm your fucking tits, dude. This isn’t the Berlin Wall falling. They just announced an actor on a TV show.

So no specifics, and a vague description which amounts to ‘I don’t like him for a petty reason, but I’ll dress it up in right on language to make it seem profound.’

This fucking dipshit is an approved commenter, and I’m not.

So manuals are what’s required to be deemed someone who doesn’t make excuses? My mother in law drives that heck out of a manual, but is not a good driver. Here 60' time is shit.

Wright didn’t ask Peyton “not to rip him off”.

thanks to how good anti-knock sensors do their job

“dull, wildly uneven claptrap” you say? Well David S Goyer is a perfect choice.

As I child of divorced parents, this was my Saturday ritual being driven (and in later years driving) to my dad’s place listening to Car Talk in the morning.

Now I want to see Devil Dinosaur wield the hammer.

It must have encountered an extremely modest bend in the road.

The AHCA would put health insurance out of reach for 23 million Americans who currently have access to insurance. It would ALSO provide more than $600 billion in tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans.

The problem is that this ad campaign is basically too clever for the American market.

Shut. Up. No. One. Cares. About. Your. Stuipd. Elitism.

You continue to be the most incoherent commenter on this website. Congrats on the consistency!

I loved him in 24 Hour Party People.

Yes, Road Atlanta did make a donation. Of $2000. I think your original “snippy” comment really still applies — Road Atlanta could easily have donated the entire amount, and I would say should have under the circumstances (including that she had volunteered for Road Atlanta for two decades).

It has been known to some of us workers as “Hazel’s Haven”. I think it fits...