
The result of some traumatic incident in childhood?

This photo has COTD potential, but I’ve got nothin’ today. :\

show me on the beef where he touched you with the chalkboard.

He’s just reminding everyone that Jesus was a big fan of ostentatious displays of wealth. Dude was always rocking gold chains. They don’t tell you that in Bible study.

No joke, or as I like to describe it to friends:
Mysterious Cities of Gold = Cult Cartoon
Thundercats = Not a Cult Cartoon

Co-opting? Marginalizing? Hate crime?

Meanwhile I’m still wanting on an M7

You know you can make a child happy without having to be responsible for them for 18+ years?

I love this. Whoever said all liberals were flower power hippies? I am very liberal, very progressive, very full of love for the universe, but I will fucking murder someone at the drop of a hat if it comes to it. They label us as “tolerant” then use it against us. I’ll be tolerant of the things I want to be tolerant

“you will always be a nameless piece of crap floating at the bottom of that toilet.”
Yet another fantastic physics lesson from the alt-right.

I’d say I’m disappointed but it’s pretty much what I was expecting so far. Nothing new or exciting, a focus on war instead of exploration, and the only things that seem different are pointless, anachronistic changes.

So Hillary killed this dude but Anthony Weiner’s still alive? Puh-leaze

thank you for clearing it up for me :)

so, did you read that in the book? i’m trying to figure out how i would have learned that from the show last night. it did not indicate that at all. there is no indication that the Jinn went back to the middle east. i’m not criticizing you - i am just trying to understand how you got that from what i watched last

At the end of their drive, the Jinn explains that he doesn’t actually grant wishes (anymore)

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Hi, I think I might be able to shed some light on this perplexing dilemma that you describe..

Psh, like people buy 911's exclusively because of the lightweight, sporty packaging.

Yes he would have. It may have bordered on unprofessional but he didn’t roll his eyes because she is a woman. He did it because he is tired of this person spewing bullshit. Her gender has nothing to do with it.