
Well yeah if a guy could get 1,000 dents out of my car I could see giving him the car as a gesture of gratitude too.

Have you noticed how a generically innocuous scientist making observations about generically innocuous things draws ranting hate mongers like flies?

It’s a satire on Trump, not a satire on Mexico.

“NDT is such an arrogant killjoy,” said the Gizmodo reader who sounds like a totally arrogant killjoy.

If you’re looking for people that break out the fine china for guests then the folks wearing baseball caps at the dinner table are not where you start.

Trump doesn’t even pay the people who build his buildings so I hope Assange wasn’t thinking he’d be getting any favors from 45.

I started watching Girls last summer so I could finally see what all the hype/hate was about.

You gotta admit, the change from carrying the helmets to wearing them is probably a net positive.

This feels less like a reboot and more like an apology

“What advantages does this war have over, say, an ethnic cleansing, which I could also afford?”

300 SL

What does that do with how likely she is to show up for her court date? The point of bail isn’t to make statements about how bad the alleged crime is.

His child would be at higher risk of being killed with the gun in his home than the dad was at risk of being shot on the street.

Bc it DOESN’T MATTER. And anyone who says otherwise is full of shit. Stop feeding into the Jalopnik agenda of “OH MAN NO MANUAL BOO THIS CAR SUCKS” Nobody shopping for a god damn $80K RS5, goes and buys a 30K Golf instead bc they have manual. Same reason nobody shopping for a $200K McLaren will go and buy a $100K

Oh God. This happens with my wife’s phone in the Subaru. “A-Punk” queues up every time she plugs it into the charging port, and she never ever deletes the damn song.

Every kiss begins with Kay, or you’re fired!

The menswear is, by-and-large, awful. Formal jackets should not have flap pockets. It isn’t after Memorial day, and it’s not exactly really hot in LA, tonight, so white dinner jackets should not be worn at this particular party. Bowties should be hand-tied. Wear a vest or a cummerbund; showing white shirt below the

Cool World aged perfectly. It is every bit as terrible now as it was then.

Every time I read a troll comment like you, I’m reminded of a bit of Neal Stephenson’s Snow Crash.

I also thought that every member of the core cast was miscast, but you work with what you have.