
I don’t know if anything is working! Apparently it’s not, because I’m in the greys. Yay.

I have a burner account on Kinja already, and claiming won’t accept my Burner info.

Louis CK’s name is gold, for comics. Regardless of how shitty he is a person.

I think that being able to happen at all has a lot to do with the final product, but I don’t have a time machine.

Without “I put up some money in the first 6 months of this project,” many projects don’t happen. That is certainly worthy of an executive producer credit.

He apparently doesn’t have time to write books, either.

We all die way too soon. Do what makes you happy, if you can. If that means spending hours on makeup, you do you.

I am a marketing expert, and it’s complicated. With a non-core product, it’s oftentimes to your advantage to keep your customers wanting more. Having said that, I think Nintendo has gone WAY too far with the idea.

No star for being the dumbest commenter in this thread.

Fewer. Fewer than three exclamation points. Bigly sad!!!

“While I don’t care for just writing off racist incidents as symptoms of mental illness and leaving the discussion there, I will say that I’m not convinced that people with the genetic diversity of an English Bulldog, who are claiming racial superiority over me, aren’t experiencing some inbred mental decay.”

I’m sure that this will never make it out of the grey, but you seem to have a poor understanding of how genetic drift within population admixtures works. Retained neanderthal genes, like any other gene introduced into a population pool that are retained, are still there because they are either neutral or conveyed some

Fewer people.

More like BIG BABY.

I’ve probably heard a Taylor Swift song at a department store, but I was unaware of what it was, if I did. I mostly listen to jazz (post-bop, primarily).

12c Spider. They are a real bargain, at the moment.

I’m sorry you read Conservapedia. It’s not a shocker that it ruined your life.

I used the example of Pi potentially equalling Spider-Man. Physician, heal thyself.

Insert “that was the joke” GIF.

If the majority of math users think that Pi=Spider-Man, should Pi equal Spider-Man?