Ed Hocken

Whoa now, that hot take burned at Fahrenheit 451.


Quick, maybe we can all get quoted by Kate McKinnon!


This was a movie like The Fugitive that was a pop culture touchstone the year it hit.

It's the film that made me prepare to throw down in a men's room. Should such an incident arise.

And Apu's righteous indignation at Skinner for ripping off Jurassic Park.

Interactive tv, Jack! It's the wave of the future!

After 20 years they give you a tiny pension and a cheap gold watch.

Any idea of brilliance and that is a loosely applied term, at best. Is the result of having strategy guides to give you an understanding of what you are supposed to do. Otherwise, as a kid you would not have a clue of what to do, where to go, what to use, or do anything. Fuck that trial and error shit when you can't

Another LJN hackjob at work.

That arcade was one of the best beat'em ups out there.

Of course LJN had the weird licensed games. They were owned by Universal/MCA at the time.

I think it got refurbished recently. Now the Sports Arena, that's been demolished.

Radio GooGoo


Good god, two shitty tastes combined.

Huh, I never thought about it like that. I'm saying coasting as being lazy and then letting the other time just run roughshod over ya. As we saw last night.


I'm surprised she's going with the Forum. Maybe because there are games at the Staples Center?