You know, you can say 'Xbone' as many times as you like and it won't magically become funny.
And your moronic comments even look desparate in 1080p, so what's your point?
hate hate hate hate M$, hate hate, KINECT, hate hate hate hate TV, hate hate hate $100, hate hate hate hate hate
Blah blah M$, Kinect sucks OMGPS4INDIEZ!
You know what? That is pretty. Well done Microsoft. Finaly making stylish looking things on your console. :)
Too drastic a change. Hate it by default - here's some hate thrown at it *throw hate*
You're so witty and edgy and totally not making a comment that's already been made. Go you! Way to stick up for...your...choice of console.
If the X1 will clean my bathroom, I will scour every store in the state looking for one.
Condemned is a fucking classic.