
I know someone that has decided to pick up an x1 as well as a ps4 for the new titles - he loves golf games and the ps4 doesn't have one yet.

Seriously, if you like the forerunner stuff read the Greg Bear forerunner novels - their scale is immense.

I've already held of a year because i knew they were releasing the thing in stages, this sucks :/

TSA = terrorism won.

Sounds like an awesome B game.

Can anyone tell me is there's a "complete" mass effect 3 coming yet?


It made the second Silent Hill film a helluva lot more disturbing...

Kameo was fun - hasn't aged well but then i doubt any of these games have. There was scope for more :(


The last news chopper left in this universe...


no, halo 3 actually :)

first or second ark?

That's one hell of a smoulder.

Sardaukar, bitches.

My house.

I think this fawning article just made me a little sick in my mouth.

Mocking COD for not being creative is so meta in it's non-creativity.

it is ugly, true. It needs a few gui touch ups but i prefer it's speed.