
bernie ain't much without her dog..

Too pussy to play the game on an easier mode to unlock the hard one? pff. kids these days.

Having readily accessible difficulty levels doesn't exclude those that want harder ones.

Way to miss the point.

Exactly. And now that 1/2 the UK population has a smartphone there's no reason for people to at least not call and/or document something that'll help get criminals punished.

Bottled up at desks, pegged by mortgages and buttoned down by bills.

Whilst i'm entirely against the availability of firearms for anyone, really, the problem isn't caused by inanimate objects.

Kid's dad is still dead though.

I have to publicly admit i was truly saddened by what happened with Too Human. It was one of the games i was looking forward to when the 360 was launched and the idea of mixing Norse with tech and having an RPG with truly divergent skill trees and 4p coop sounded joyous.

No. The adult thing to do is to raise awareness of these things in order that they can be discussed and a solution can be found. The childish thing to do is to not listen to people.

Also when you invoke Godwin's Law [en.wikipedia.org]'s_law you've lost your argument anyway.

Your points continue to be irrelevant.

Isn't peaceful protesting an adult thing to do? They're not rioting like the idiots in London are they? They're not moronic because they're trying to make a statement are they?

Fair tax? how about the people with most pay most? and the people with least pay least? that sounds fair. Corporations pay their dues and don't squirrel it offshore.

You can stop trying to belabour your argument now you're trying to pick apart a very simple metaphor by over complicating it.

MS make out of court settlements with most android handset manufacturers. Oracle are suing google for their custom Java thing, someone else is suing lots of android devs for some shitty 'in-app payment' thing.

Also for anyone wondering why it's not as clear as say Egypt or Libya, it's quite simply because there's not a single thing to oppose. The problems here and the arguments are not simply 'remove and retry' but are of a far more complex and less murderous intention.

Really? what about taxing everyone fairly? I'll give you that one for free.

And does that make it wrong? Should they go home? Maybe their elected officials should get involved, investigate the grievance and come up with a soluition from their experience and knowledge then lobby the government to resolve the issues.

If you're sick, you know your sick, have ailments of being sick but don't know how to fix it yourself should the doctor turn you away?