
I love this argument when the idiots were claiming that you needed bluray to do HD graphics a couple of years back.

Check out the old old demo scene! Creating worlds from instructions, not artifacts!

Rumour and speculation has it that it's a state-funded virus to stop the iranians mastering nuclear power so as to avoid them developing nukes.

The map itself is the same, it's not random, but it *is* procedurally generated when in use.

"randomly design an entire area on the fly"

"Procedurally-generated worlds, in which the computer is able to randomly design an entire area on the fly, are the future of game development."

Volume pixels. different display technology that isn't based on polygons and therefore is basically forgotten as that's not what hardware is optimised for.

yeah well there's a difference between procedural generation and just randonly generating procedural environment.

You mean this right?

"Different variants of Stuxnet targeted five Iranian organizations,[9] with the probable target widely suspected to be uranium enrichment infrastructure in Iran;[10][11] Symantec noted in August 2010 that 60% of the infected computers worldwide were in Iran.[12] Siemens stated on November 29 that the worm has not

lulzsec just break down the system security and reap files. The sony stuff was silent, massive and untraceable.

You're welcome :D


Emotional attachment to Shephard. You stood up to their greatest enemy and defeated not only them but one of the great enemies that will come to destroy his race too. You are an idol to him, but he doesn't understand the emotion.


i don'#t think i'll bother with NV dlc - i did all of fallout 3's but i'm already 30+ hours into f:nv and feeling that i need to progress it to the end. Hrrm.

One geth is fine.

i found that one pretty easy to be honest - using legion you can dominate the turrets and with a hacker you can dominate the AIs or with a solder you can overload their shields & toss them about.

...there was a hole...

Aw diddums, the PC elitist feels offended.